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ISSN 2391-9361


Edition circulation: 130 copies


1 1(1)/2012/1

Henryk BADURA, Henryk STABLA
Atmosphere parameters control in the underground coal mines

Abstract: This paper refers to the hazards in mines caused by or connected with a possibility of emission to the atmosphere of gases which can be damaging to health. This paper specifies which gases damaging to health can be emitted to mine atmosphere and allowable composition of mine air is also given. A telemetrical system intended for determination of mine atmosphere composition, manufactured by PKiMSA CARBOAUTOMATYKA S.A. is discussed. Attention was also paid to the components of safety system connected with physical parameters of mine atmosphere. Example of telemetrical detectors arrangement in the longwall area is given as well as its intended use.

Keywords: methane, toxic gases, air velocity, telemetrical measurements, detectors arrangement
p. 7 pobierz

Method of surgical staff competence improvement using the augmented reality technology

Abstract: This article includes the issue of gaining competencies in the professional group of physicians. In particular, there are indicated the needs for development of competencies of surgical staff and modern ways of delivering trainings based on IT techniques are described. An essential part of the article is an example of using the Augmented Reality technology (AR) in improving the way of performing by surgical personnel the activities occurring during the surgery of knee arthroplasty.

Keywords: competencies, surgical operations, virtualization techniques, augmented reality technologies
p. 29  pobierz
3 1(1)/2012/5

Jarosław BRODNY
Application of the finite element method in determination of the natural vibrations frequency of frictional joint

Abstract: In the paper the results of studies on the natural frequency of frictional joint applied in yielding support of dog headings are presented. Analysis was performed on the structural model of frictional joint developed on the basis of finite element method. In the result of conducted studies the natural frequency of the frictional joint and the forms of vibrations corresponding to them were determined. These frequencies were compared with the frequency of vibrations of the dog heading’s contour. The analysis was carried out for two ways of attachment of the frictional joint, and for joints with two and three stirrups.

Keywords: frictional joint, vibration own, MES
p. 51  pobierz
4 1(1)/2012/6

Jarosław BRODNY, Marcel ŻOŁNIERZ
Determination of frictional contact coefficient of rope with surface contact of wires and frictional lining

Abstract: In paper a history of development of steel ropes' constructions taking into account the ropes of area contact called compacted ropes. Their advantages and disadvantages, as well as principle of operation, are given. Review of selected tests of mechanical properties of compacted ropes and presentation of their results was also performed. Then methodology and results of test of kinetic friction coefficient between steel compacted rope and Modar R3/Mz lining are presented. Tests were carried out on specialized stand and included two values of pressure of rope on the lining.

Keywords: steel rope, rope compact, test stand
p. 60  pobierz
5 1(1)/2012/7

Methods for supporting the flow of information about the environmental factors in emergency services and prevent action

Abstract: With the development of systems forming the human environment, such as production systems, energy, transport, information be increased the impact the crisis situations on their operation. The basis for the smooth operation of prevention and rescue services in countering the effects of crisis events (such as mass events) is the close coordination and cooperation. Successful operation of emergency services and prevention requires efficient decision-making at all levels of rescue action. Currently, the development of methods and tools of Augmented Reality allows for the delivery of information to support decisions on a wide range of activities undertaken by man. Effective use of this technology requires the collection of information characterizing the environment of potential crises and to provide of this information to the emergency services and prevention. In the context of the current disposal of the central organization of emergency and prevention services in the publication we show supporting for information flows. On this basis, one can consider that the tools of Augmented Reality may significantly contribute to the success of the operation of the emergency services and prevention.

Keywords: supporting, environmental factors, rescue, prevention services, emergency services
p. 71  pobierz
6 1(1)/2012/8

Influence of employees’ attitudes and behaviour on safety culture in company

Abstract: The paper presents basic issues related to safety culture. It also includes information about the factors determining desired and undesired, good and bad (right and wrong) safety culture, and the most important information about improving safety culture. The empirical part presents the research on influence of employees’ attitudes and behaviour on developing safety culture in a company. The research included such elements of culture development model as work environment and conditions and employees’ behaviour and attitudes.

Keywords: safety management, organization culture, safety culture, human factor, work environment, accidents at work
p. 87  pobierz
7 1(1)/2012/9

Patrycja HĄBEK
Companies’ responsibility for sustainable development. Sustainable production patterns in small and medium – sized enterprises

Abstract: Issues connected with changing unsustainable production patterns are considered in this paper. In the first part of the article the author discusses enterprises contribution to sustainable development through implementation of corporate social responsibility concept (CSR) and in its scope the idea of sustainable manufacturing. The second part of the article shows the selected indicators of sustainable production patterns implementation in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland, with reference to the European Union situation.

Keywords: CSR, sustainable manufacturing, cleaner production, EMAS, ISO 14001
p. 97  pobierz
8 1(1)/2012/10

Analysis of gaseous hazards in mine workings using an automatic monitoring system

Abstract: The article presents working of system automatic monitoring of gaseous dangers in fringe drift in the coal-mine KWK Mysłowice. Indications sensors of methane, carbon monoxide and anemometers working in monitoring system of atmosphere on two coal beds on the deepness 465 m and 665 m was analysed. Incidents of exceed alarm threshold of mine gas concentration and their reasons was analysed. In the article were presented results for one example of month. On the basis of alarms incidents was identified also dangerous places in fringe drift.

Keywords: gaseous hazards, mine workings, alarm threshold of gas concentration
p. 106  pobierz
9 1(1)/2012/11

Application of gps technology in surface mining

Abstract: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, institute of geodesy and mine surveying has been cooperating with Severočeské doly j.s.c. (SD) in important research project since 2007. The main goal is improve control system for opencast mining. Two bucket wheel excavators (K800/103 and KU300/27) were equipped with measurement hardware at the Libouš Lignite Mine (North Bohemia brown coal basin). The position of the bucket wheel centre is computed by means of GPS data, inclinometer and incremental measurements. Data is transferred to a base. All the values measured are saved in this database. The surface layout of the mine as well as positions of underground geological layers are updated on a regular basis in the digital model of the mine. The main aim of the research is verifying the system in connection to digital model for short time prognosis of qualitative parameters of coal (Ad, Sd, Qr, Wr and MS), continuous automatic computation of mined materials (m3, tons) and continuous checking of creation of the movement surface/plane of the excavator and mining goals. Mine surveyors have a lead role in the working team. The paper describes possibilities of using the GPS for mine surveying and for production planning.

Keywords: analysis, bucket wheel excavator, digital model, GPS, inclinometer, incremental measurements
p. 116  pobierz
10 1(1)/2012/12

Audit versus development in a certified quality management system

Abstract: In the paper the analysis was conducted on two types of audits in a certified quality management system in the context of obtaining and processing information concerning development. There were the objectives and stages of widely-understood process of audit and there were the factors identified that have influence on determination and use of development suggestions. Also, the organization’s influence on particular stages of audit process in the first and third party were determined. The attention was paid to the type of information concerning development that are obtained in both analyzed types of audit. There was the responsibility indicated for identification and use of information. It was attempted to answer the question what the appearing problems may result from and what their cause is.

Keywords: analysis, quality, management system
p. 124  pobierz
11 1(1)/2012/13

"Tango down". Some comments on the security of cyberspace of republic of Poland

Abstract: The article presents selected issues of terminology related to: security and safety, information security management systems, government activities about security cyberspace and work on the Government's Program for the Protection of Cyberspace in Poland. Also a schedule of attacks on government services after the signing of ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) was presented and examples of unprofessional behavior of government employees after the hacker attacks were noticed.

Keywords: security, cyberspace, ACTA, public administration
p. 133  pobierz
12 1(1)/2012/14

Preparation of handling equipment for approval of the office of technical inspection – case study

Abstract: The article presents construction and functioning of a skiploader. The author describes legislation that regulates procedures of its modernisation and reparation. Basing on a precise case there was presented a process of proceeding with used equipment manufactured before entering into force EU Directive on Machinery to the first registration by the Office of Technical Inspection and issuing administrative decision allowing for its exploitation.

Keywords: skiploader, modernisation, EU Directives
p. 146  pobierz
13 1(1)/2012/15

Michał MOLENDA, Sebastian KRAFCZYK
Quality Assessment of Municipal Services in the Selected Municipality of the Silesian Province

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the issue of public services quality. It presents, beside theoretical considerations concerning services quality, the results of the survey in respect of assessment of municipal services rendered in the Silesian municipality Zbrosławice. This survey covered three types of services: water supply services, waste (solid and wastewater) disposal services as well as housing conditions maintenance services. The survey results enabled to formulate the conclusions concerning the quality of services provided by the municipal entity in the examined municipality.

Keywords: quality, services, municipal services, public services
p. 153  pobierz
14 1(1)/2012/16

Analysis of garment manufacturing defects in x clothing manufacturing company

Abstract: In the article the results of analysis of garment manufacturing defects in X clothing manufacturing company in a whole calendar year during 5 years are presented. Using such tools of quality management as the Pareto-Lorenz analysis and the Ishikawa diagram quantification of these defects based on their importance and a number of occurrences has been carried out. Then, causes of these defects in relation to each month and conditions of the working environment have been determined.

Keywords: sewing garments, garment manufacturing defects, garment manufacturing, Pareto-Lorenz analysis, Ishikawa diagram, valuation of a workstation, valuation of working environment
p. 163  pobierz
15 1(1)/2012/17

Ireneusz PINDEL
The contract for public procurement in system of public sector institutions’ the management

Abstract: This study refers to the issue of contracting for giving public procurement, realized by public sector’s recipients. These contracts institute a very important instrument of public procurement management, what is additionally restricted by the necessity of proper care treatment and what is the effect of suitable rules of law referred to the rules of expending public recourses. Therefore, this elaboration brings forward some law solutions, required in discussed range, indicating at the same time the wide range of possibilities in unrestricted creation of contracts’ contents in the process of public procurement management. This study case also emphasizes the necessity of contents’ forming of analyzed contracts in agreement with rules of careful economy, that are obliged for public sector institutions.

Keywords: management, finance, public, order, contract
p. 172  pobierz
16 1(1)/2012/18

Acoustic environmental hazards of work on main road haulage levels in the coal mine

Abstract: The paper presents the main characteristics of the haulage of coal mine levels, where the acoustic tests were carried out. The results of preliminary tests and their assessments and detailed studies on the main haulage road leveled. The analysis of preliminary studies for further detailed studies enrolled two divisions. Detailed study covering these regions were analyzed and interpreted, also defines the security sterfy sound.

Keywords: noise, identification, conveyor belt, hauling Main Level
p. 179  pobierz
17 1(1)/2012/19

Minimizing noise emission of the main road haulage evels in the coal mine

Abstract: The paper presents ways to minimize noise emissions through the main haulage levels in coal mines based on data from earlier studies. Some exemplary opportunities to minimize noise emissions include: reduction of noise emissions at source, acoustic adaptation excavation section, housing the conveyor chute Flow Rate and modification of the conveyor housing.

Keywords: noise, conveyor belt, hauling main, minimizing noise
p. 188  pobierz
18 1(1)/2012/20

Jacek SITKO, Krzysztof MICHALSKI
Selected aspects associated with preparing the production and industrial period – storing

Abstract: The article is moving and analysing problems associated with production and industrial preparatory stages of smelting products. Due to functioning still in domestic industry, traditional system of storage, storing and storing products, blanks and the materials intended for production, analysis of functioning systems storing and storing and making an attempt to streamline them seem essential, because a crucial element of the industrial engineering constitutes it.

Keywords: system, production, magazine, product
p. 197  pobierz
19 1(1)/2012/21

Tomasz SZULC
Application of methods of strategic management in developing urban renewal programs in the largest cities in Poland

Abstract: The article presents outcome of the research on use of strategic management methods in urban renewal programming. The research was divided into two parts covering level of proficiency in applying given tools and intensity of use of them. The research was preceded with thorough textbook study and identification of methods that may be potentially used for the aforementioned purposes. The research activities were funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the project no N N115 415740 “Application of creative problem solving tools and strategic management methods in development and implementation of local urban renewal plans of degraded areas” completed in December 2011.

Keywords: strategic management, textbook study, identification of methods
p. 208  pobierz
20 1(1)/2012/22

An evaluation of the efficiency of quality management systems implemented in small enterprises – reserach results

Abstract: The publication presents the results of research conducted in small production and service-providing enterprises having an established quality management system. The aim of the studies was to evaluate the efficiency of the implemented quality system understood as an ability to achieve the set goals. The studies included self-assessment conducted by the company management board or by management representative for quality systems. The results obtained in survey research have been verified in a form of a third party’s audit. The investigations have been supplemented with tests carried out among the management board and plenipotentiaries, whose aim was to evaluate such personality features as the ability to communicate, to teach others and to introduce changes.

Keywords: small enterprise , quality management system, effectiveness, efficiency, audit, management
p. 219  pobierz
21 1(1)/2012/23

Dilemmas of public participation in acoustic climate management in the context of elaborating action plans against noise in urban areas

Abstract: The article presents the possibilities and limitations of public participation urban environmental noise management in the context of EU requirements to elaborate acoustic maps and action plans against noise for urban areas. The legal and social determinants of public participation in this field were described as well as specificity of social noise perception that does not depend only on the acoustic characteristics of noise. Potential benefits of supporting participatory processes through tools such as Participatory GIS were also indicated.

Keywords: public participation, acoustic cli mate management, action plan against environmental noise, participatory GIS methodology
p. 233 pobierz 
22 1(1)/2012/25

Juliusz WÓJCIK
Civilizations and production methods

Abstract: The article presents issues related to the impact of a given civilization on the quality of production techniques and methods used by a given society/in a given country. It is based on the comparative science of civilizations founded by Feliks Koneczny. An essence of a civilization is explained and a mutual interaction between civilizations (the battle of civilizations) is pointed out. Five civilization's components (the categories of social being) are described as a tool for identifying the type of a given civilization. That components' interaction (having influence on a given civilization's resilience and ability to meet the social needs) is highlighted. Seven civilization types existing nowadays (according to F. Koneczny) are characterized and their capabilities to develop science, economy and to generate capital goods are discussed. A conclusion is that the Latin civilization is the most capable. Using presented distinguishing marks civilizations are divided (acc. F. Koneczny) into two groups: collectivistic and individualistic. A model of a new civilization introduced by Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi is presented and is confronted with the Latin civilization. It is stated that the mentioned model of European civilization meets the criteria of the collectivistic civilization. Properties of an economic development and production in societies of collectivistic and individualistic civilizations are identified as consequences of the choice of a social system.

Keywords: civilization, collectivistic civilization, individualistic civilization, Feliks Koneczny, Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi
p. 250  pobierz
23 1(1)/2012/26

Evaluation of waste packaging management system in Lubuskie

Abstract: An important objective of the Directive 2008/98/EC is to break the links between eco-nomic growth and the generation of waste in all EU countries and increase of efforts to prevent waste. In case of production of wastes, the national harmonized standards deter-mine the level of recovery and recycling of wastes, which should be achieved in each province by the end of 2014 and the ways of disposing of them in a safe way for humans and the environment. This article presents some parameters concerning a packaging waste management (including achieved levels of recovery and recycling) in Lubuskie in propor-tion to the country and are subjected to analysis.

Keywords: waste management, waste packaging, recovery, recycling
p. 267  pobierz
24 1(1)/2012/27

How to merge environmental information using meta-analysis

Abstract: The article describes how to merge (integrate) information derived from different environmental studies. For such methods that are designed especially for combining of multi-sources information the term meta-analysis was coined in the statistical literature. Meta-analysis is a large family of advanced and continuously developed methods that go far beyond the well-known classical methods of data merger (integration), i.e. based on correlation or regression analysis. This issue is especially important in practice of environmental research when many results of detailed, but independent studies are available, e.g. obtained by different scientific groups, at different time or during different campaigns, from samples of different sizes etc., whose results must be properly generalized in order to take well-founded and precise conclusions.

Keywords: meta-analysis, data integration, funnel plot, Fisher’s method, Liptak-Stouffer’s method environmental studies, statistical inference
p. 279  pobierz
25 1(1)/2012/28

Mariusz ŻÓŁTOWSKI, Wojciech ŻARSKI
Structure of computer management systems design

Abstract: A Computer system for company management is of a module structure and provides control of all the areas of the company operation, from planning and supply through production distribution, sale, equipment maintenance, finances and accountancy. The module structure of the system provides a possibility of implementation only of those components which due to the company character and specificity of its operation are indispensable and useful. Attention should also be focused on the system flexibility, that is, possibility of its adjustment to changing environmental conditions, through modification and addition of new modules.

Keywords: management information system, system construction
p. 288  pobierz
ISSN 2391-9361


Edition circulation: 130 copies


1 1(10)/2015/1

Karina HERMANN, Witold BIAŁY
Monitoring of activities in the field of industrial waste management

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is the attempt to assess the currently existing system of monitoring of activities in the field of industrial waste management. The article characterized the state of industrial waste management in Poland in recent years and listed the main groups of waste and main areas of their application. In the paper there is the role of waste monitoring and the description of tasks of different entities in the field of control and supervision of waste management. Moreover, the paper shows the structure of waste monitoring and describes the system of waste monitoring in Poland, and presents the IT systems that supporting the work of supervisory authorities as well.

Keywords: waste management, waste monitoring, industrial waste
p. 7 pobierz
2 1(10)/2015/2

Valuation of non-compliance on the example of the chosen Italian company

Abstract: Abstract: In this publication we presented and analyzed the difficulties faced by businesses in differentiating processes and constituent procedures from persons concerned. It presented as a tool for evaluating sample categories that makeup the occurrence of inconsistencies in the manufacturing process of the Italian company.

Keywords: quality management, evaluation tool, inconsistencies in the manufacturing process, the categories of the reasons for non-compliance
p. 18 pobierz
3 1(10)/2015/3

Karolina JĄDERKO, Barbara BIAŁECKA
Decision support systems in waste management – a review of selected tools

Abstract: The article presents review of information solutions in waste management with special regard to decision support systems (DSS). There was indicated basic components of system's architecture and their influence on waste management assignments. Analysis of designed and implemented software solutions has enabled the ordering of various types of information systems for decision-making levels of regional and municipal waste management systems.

Keywords: decision support system, waste management system
p. 32 pobierz
4 1(10)/2015/4

Analysis of the causes the quantitative changes and trends in conferred ISO 9001 certificates in Poland. Research based on the data from audits

Abstract: The article presents the results of research conducted on the basis of data from audits. Comparison of the results of this research, with information related to trends and volatility in the certification, allowed the presentation appearing depending between them. It was also touched on the information about new edition of ISO 9001: 2015, how many an what kind of changes it may cause in the quantities of new and maintained certificates among enterprises. In summary of that article, has been presented the possible influence of factors determining changes but not only the quantity but also the business structure undergoing certification companies.

Keywords: certification, ISO 9001, quality management systems
p. 42 pobierz
5 1(10)/2015/5

Piotr KALETA, Tomasz WAŁEK
Benefits of MCHP XRGI use in the brewing industry

Abstract: This paper presents basic process flows in beer-making and their energy demands. Prospect of introduction of a different types of cogeneration according to yearly output of breweries is analyzed. Capability of improvement of energy management in micro, small regional and medium size regional breweries through the use of gas micro-cogeneration MCHP XRGI is presented. Comparison of cost of operation is shown for both traditional and proposed system.

Keywords: heat, electricity, micro co-generation, natural environment, brewing industry energy management, MCHP XRGI
p. 51 pobierz
6 1(10)/2015/6

The role of leaders in shaping the quality in the context of preparation of self-assessment for the Polish quality award competition

Abstract: This paper tries to identify the role of the leaders in shaping the quality within an organization. It describes the area as well as the range of the influence of leaders in organizations. The relationship between leadership strategy and other strategies adopted in the companies was indicated. Moreover, an attempt was made to determine the influence of the leaders on particular stages of implementation as well as functioning of the quality management system in the enterprise. It also presents the role of leadership according to the Polish Quality Award criteria. An analysis indicating the areas of leaders’ influence was conducted on the basis of a survey and interviews carried out in a group of participants of one of the trainings on the preparation of self-assessment for the Polish Quality Award competition.

Keywords: leader, quality management system, Total Quality Leadership, self-assessment, the Polish Quality Award
p. 58 pobierz
7 1(10)/2015/7

n analysis of degraded post-mining areas to be re-developed – case study: slime separators

Abstract: Economic transformations in Poland in the 1980s among others started the process of liquidation of many mining plants. Areas which until recently were subject to strong influences of mining economy, are now becoming post-mining areas. Degradation of an area, incomplete or scattered information on its legal conditions, its property structure, ecological condition, the existing logistic infrastructure and provision of utilities discourage potential investors from undertaking activities to re-use the area. This article presents an initial analysis of a selected post-mining area, which should make it easier to determine the directions of its future development.

Keywords: degraded area, post-mining waste landfill, slime separators, re-development
p. 67 pobierz
8 1(10)/2015/8

Structure and functioning of the european conformity assessment system of products

Abstract: The article describes in a cross-sectional, yet consistent manner, the currently operating product conformity assessment system in Europe, called by author The European Conformity Assessment System of Products (ECASP). The article details the basic regulations currently in force, both at the level of European law, as well as polish domestic law that form the structure and operation of the system. The comprehension of the read shall be eased by comp model of the structure and the relationships between elements of the ECASP. The first part of the article is devoted to describe the origins of building a conformity assessment system in Europe. Another part of the study describes the European level of compliance system – a European framework and institutions that it constitutes. In the third section an overview of the system in Poland is presented. In particular, Polish entrepreneurs so that they can develop better understand the current rules for the European conformity assessment system, including the principle of marking (CE) devices, which elements are part of that system.

Keywords: conformity assessment system, CE, new approach directives
p. 79 pobierz
9 1(10)/2015/9

Directions of effectivization of warehousing enterprises

Abstract: The article points to the need of improving warehouse operations, which are ineffective in many enterprises across Russia. The list of all the necessary measures is compiled on the basis of logistical approach, the development and implementation of which will help to solve system problems and to eliminate "bottlenecks". For one of the directions of an algorithm for sequences of action, allowing rational planning work management.

Keywords: warehouse, warehousing, logistical approach, method of expert evaluations, process approach, algorithm
p. 90 pobierz
10 1(10)/2015/10

The essence of communication process in waste management system

Abstract: The purpose of the article was to identify some trends and directions of changes in the process of communication between all entities in waste management system. Streamlining of the process should be followed by identifying the participants and information exchanged between them. It is important to recognize all the communication channels and media used in the process, as well as distortions occured. Identification of gaps and potential barriers in the communication process of waste management system will designate areas for further analysis and extended research.

Keywords: waste management system, communication process, the act of maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities, the act of waste
p. 98 pobierz
11 1(10)/2015/11

Analysis of production process and complaints in an automotive company

Abstract: Analysis of production process enabling to identify weakness points in the company. It should be used in all the spheres of the company. The article provides the theoretic description of extrusion process and complaints which the company received from internal and external customers. The authors also describe a case study based on gained experience.

Keywords: extrusion, complaint management, process improvement
p. 109 pobierz
12 1(10)/2015/12

Dorota WANDZICH, Grażyna PŁAZA
Workplace quality during the welding process

Abstract: The article presents the exposure to noise and dusts occurring during the welding process. The results of the measurements of industrial dust and noise at the welder’s workplace in the period 2012-2014 are presented. Health problems generated during the process are presented. In particular, the attention is paid how to improve the quality of the work during the welding process. Proactively proposing actions that will improve the quality of the work during the welding process are described.

Keywords: occupational exposure, welding process, industrial dust and noise, health risk
p. 117 pobierz
13 1(10)/2015/13

Radosław WOLNIAK
The relationship between the implementation of CSR and the distance to authority

Abstract: Cultural issues exert a significant influence on the functioning of the organization and implementation of CSR. In the following paragraphs paper presents aspects of organizational culture, one of the dimensions analyzed by G. Hofstede – distance to the government and it is pointed out that the distance to authority (small or large) positive effect on the implementation of CSR.

Keywords: CSR, organizational culture, Corporate Social Responsibility, the distance to authority
p. 128 pobierz
14 1(10)/2015/14

Radosław WOLNIAK, Patrycja HĄBEK
Quality management and corporate social responsibility

Abstract: The paper presents the relationship between quality management and corporate social responsibility. We presented, in the paper, the most important relationships between these concepts. Were also examined issues related to the presence of Corporate Social Responsibility in a variety of standards for quality management and related matters. In addition, the publication has been the most important characteristics of CSR standards.

Keywords: quality management, Corporate Social Responsibility, ISO 9001, ISO 26000, SA 8000
p. 139 pobierz
15 1(10)/2015/15

Selected methods and tools for analysing product nonconformity in the automotive industry

Abstract: The study contains a review of seldom encountered quality management methods and tools which are applied in the automotive industry to solve problems related to nonconforming products. Three tools have been discussed: 5WHY, 7 Diamonds and Drill Deep and Wide. The tools differ from each other in terms of their complexity and the scope of application: from the simplest problems related to product quality to complex problems occurring in the production process. The scope of their application may refer to one product, the whole production process as well as to all processes in the corporation.

Keywords: quality, tools, 7 Diamonds, management, nonconformity, automotive industry, 5WHY, DDW
p. 150 pobierz
16 1(10)/2015/16

Damian ZASINA, Jarosław ZAWADZKI
Disaggregation of SO2 and PM2.5 emissions from small domestic combustion sources located in southwestern polish provinces: case study

Abstract: The aim of this study is to present disaggregation for SO2 and PM2.5 emissions from small domestic sources. As suggested by Dong and Liang [5], the problem is to analyse air emission from scattered sources (households). Data submitted for Poland [14] indicate that small domestic boilers are one of main sources of air pollutant emission. Their shares in 2013 national total were about 34% for SO2 and 51% for PM2.5 respectively. Results from [21] underline the significance of that source. Moreover, the current analysis found connection between small domestic combustion and air quality worsening in local scale. Despite the fact, solid fuels will remain the main energy resource in the near future [22]. To carry out presented analysis, we used emission data submitted for international purposes [14] and selected statistics published by the Central Statistical Office of Poland [15, 16]. Selected data were derived also from study carried out by Hławiczka et al. [9] for Polish-Czech Republic border region.

Keywords: emission, SO2, PM2.5, spatial statistics, small domestic combustion
p. 161 pobierz
ISSN 2391-9361


Edition circulation: 130 copies

  Contents    pobierz
1 1(3)/2013/1


Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the preliminary results of research into diagnosis of needs for shaping ergonomic work conditions of surgeons performing laparoscopic surgeries. In particular these needs have been diagnosed thanks to such methods as: surveys, interviews, direct observations and literature analysis. Identified ergonomic needs are the base for training preparation the aim of which should be shaping ergonomic awareness of present and future laparoscopic surgeons, manifesting itself in such aspects of activities as selection and further use of surgical instruments, the organization of work and the optimal layout of workplace equipment. The ergonomic needs of surgeons should be transferable to the ground of design process of laparoscopic instruments and are the basis for supporting the work of surgical tools designers. The participation of international project “Online Vocational Training course on laparoscopy's ergonomics for surgeons and laparoscopic instruments' designers” of Lifelong Learning Program: Leonardo da Vinci Multilaternal Projects for Development of Innovation, was the direct circumstance for undertaking the research. In addition, the content of the article touches aspects of an exploitation of surgical instruments what is related to the current statutory research of Institute of Production Engineering and the task “Management of innovations in processes of surgical tools exploitation with using ICT".

Keywords: ergonomics, shaping of work conditions, surgical tools, e-learning, laparoscopic surgeons
p. 7 pobierz
2 1(3)/2013/2

Arkadiusz BOCZKOWSKI, Grzegorz KOŹLIK

Abstract: The implementation of the strategic acoustic maps or evaluation of traffic investments interactions entails the necessity of modelling the traffic noise sources and calculating the emission of acoustic source. The modelling of the traffic noise seems to be the complex matter owing to different methods of modelling the road geometry (e.g. the number of roads and lines) and the possibility of application different methods of calculation. Mentioned factors significantly affect the accuracy in received results. The article below presents the course and the results of the scientific experiment, which main aim was analyzing the impact of different ways of modelling the traffic noise sources and the influence of the applied method of calculation on the accuracy in calculations of road acoustic emission. With particular precision there were explored the results obtained with the use of French calculating method NMPB Routes 96 recommended by The Directive 2002/49/WE for traffic noise calculations.

Keywords: strategic acoustics maps, traffic noise, modelling the traffic noise sources, accuracy of the acoustic calculation, French calculating method NMPB Routes 96
p. 18 pobierz
3 1(3)/2013/3


Abstract: The dominant feature of the companies operating in countries with a market economy is a constant search for new solutions, appreciating the human potential, his work and activity, sustained commitment to improving the organization. Consistent implementation of the company management is a guarantee of the success. The aim of the research is to evaluate the factors influencing the development of the concept of the production process in the selected company on the basis of the employee opinion. The authors of the study decided to use one of questions from the BOST methods. The results can be used by the management of the research company to make innovative decision.

Keywords: The production process, the method of BOST, Toyota's management principle
p. 30 pobierz
4 1(3)/2013/4


Abstract: This chapter presents the definition of the quality and basic concepts of quality. An enterprise which manufactures the lightweight wheelchairs of the disabled was analysed. The methodology used in the study was BOST questionnaire – their principles of Toyota management in questions. The chapter contains a detailed analysis of the two selected areas of BOST questionnaire: the area E8, connected with the 14th principle of Toyota management and the area E12, i.e. respondent's characteristics. It was found that the quality in the enterprise studied is considered as an area in the enterprise which might produce the greatest effects if it is improved. The analysis used bar charts and Pareto-Lorenz diagrams.

Keywords: BOST poll and, Toyota's management principle, diagram Pareto-Lorenz
p. 39 pobierz
5 1(3)/2013/5

Jarosław BRODNY, Marcel ŻOŁNIERZ

Abstract: In paper development of methods of multi-layer winding of ropes on cylindrical drums of mine hoisting machines (winders) was presented. Methods of winding ropes on smooth drums and drums with grooved linings were discussed. There was presented helical and parallel winding of ropes, and the most preferred in global technique of winding of ropes on drums with LeBus lining in synchronous LeBus version, and asynchronous LeBus version, in which the grooves are incise on sections, as parallel and skew grooves. Based on the literature review and experience in use of different methods of multi-layer winding of ropes, especially of LeBus method, abroad and in country, general requirements for their use are presented.

Keywords: winding of ropes, LeBus method, testing of wire ropes
p. 49 pobierz
6 1(3)/2013/6

Grzegorz ĆWIKŁA

Abstract: This paper presents the problem of acquisition of production information from the companies in which technological processes are mostly non-automated. Data acquisition for company management is essential for the integration of the business and manufacturing layers of the company, providing access to current data on production tasks. Most of the problems with the acquisition of data from automated systems is solved, while the lack of automated systems is an obstacle in obtaining information. The paper presents and organizes the issues of methods and means of data acquisition in companies, in which the majority of manufacturing operations is performed manually

Keywords: manufacturing data acquisition, MES, barcodes, RFID, machine vision
p. 63 pobierz
7 1(3)/2013/7


Abstract: Inseparable element of the lime production process is pipeline transport of hydromixture which arises from rinsing of stones. Such hydromixture is a finely-granular solid phase and the water that serves as a carrier of the solid phase. At the end of the transporting process the water is recovered in order to recycle it for re-circulation, and the solid phase is deposited in dumps or in the sludge tanks. Hydromixture clarification process through the process of sedimentation, is difficult due to the large amount of solid particles with a diameter less than 2 mm. In order to improve the efficiency of sedimentation process we added polymer additives called flocculants. They allow the formation of flocs by binding together fine particles into larger agglomerates, which are under the influence of gravity and fall intensively to the bottom of settler tank.

Keywords: hydraulic mixtures pumps, experimental studies, flocculant, efficient use of water
p. 77 pobierz
8 1(3)/2013/8


Abstract: Mining activity in Silesian province contributed and still contributes to changes in natural environment, also concerning social and economic relations in a significant area. Such lands undergo a conversion, also their land morphology changes, vegetation is devastated and residential process is halted as well. In order to provide or retrieve natural, economic and social attractiveness of such lands it is necessary to develop them properly. Therefore, it becomes important to train competent specialists who will elaborate adequate conceptions of using post-mining areas, profitable from environmental, economic and social view.

Keywords: Devastated post-mining lands, land development, revitalization, conversion
p. 85 pobierz
9 1(3)/2013/9


Abstract: The research done in the area of analysis and assessment of noise threatened working place concentrate in the first chase on identification of sources of sound. In order to perform the assessment of noise threat in the examined space, there is a need to gather additional information, among others about the construction features of the place, its equipment, etc. The information related to geometric models of the places as well as material features of the barriers create a set of complimentary parameters – necessary for proper selection of noise reducing methods.

Keywords: acoustic energy, flows of acoustic energy, noise threat
p. 95 pobierz
10 1(3)/2013/10


Abstract: This chapter presents actual and potential applications of advanced data-driven models in control and fault diagnosis of manufacturing processes. Types of process control are discussed and the role of the computational intelligence as well as other data mining methods in them is shown. The main findings of the present authors, based on results of the previous works, are presented. They include the methodologies of determination of relative significances of process parameters and evaluation of prediction capabilities of time-series modeling. Results of a new research, aimed at assessment of capabilities of learning systems to detect out-of-control patterns of points observed in SPC charts, are presented.

Keywords: manufacturing, process control, fault diagnosis, data mining, computational intelligence
p. 104 pobierz
11 1(3)/2013/11


Abstract: The publication presents a study on the issue of noise from the communication route al. W. Korfantego in Zabrze in 2012 in aspect of noise nuisance. The results were related to measurements made in 2011, in the context of the amendment of the Minister of Environment of 14 June 2007 on the levels of environmental noise. It also presents the method of calculating noise barriers by Maekawy.

Keywords: traffic noise, noise studies, noise nuisance
p. 126 pobierz
12 1(3)/2013/12


Abstract: The paper deals with solid-liquid limestone slurry with a high solids concentration, which appears widely in a mining and civil engineering industries. Experiments performed in the paper deal with influence of solids concentration on the shear stress. Solids concentration various from 20% wt. to 35% wt. which is most suitable to industry. The main objective of the paper is to determine the flow curves for high solids concentration of slurry at limestone factory and to fit the proper rheological model. The paper proves that most suitable model which fits measured dependence of shear rate on the shear stress is the Herschel-Bulkley rheological model. The exponential increase of shear stress and plastic viscosity with increasing the solids concentration is demonstrated for high solids concentration of limestone slurry.

Keywords: limestone slurry, non-Newtonian slurry, shear stress in slurry, experiments in rheology
p. 135 pobierz
13 1(3)/2013/13


Abstract: Measurement System Analysis is a part of “Measure” phase, which is a structured project management approach. This approach consist of the following steps: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control – “DMAIC” and is a path to resolve production problems based on Lean Six Sigma methodology. This method has been presented by using of computer aided statistical software – Minitab – which is a most common statistical software, used by Green or Black Belts. As a Master Black Belt I faced to the problem of lack an appropriate explanation of using it by the Belts – which contributed by implementation of a proper training program. Measurement system analysis in this program, is divided by Attribute Agreement Analysis, which is analysis of attribute data, and Gage R&R – analysis for continuous data. Therefore it is very important to understand differences between attribute and continuous date and their main metrics. Understanding data types, allowed to explain components of measurement errors. This base knowledge is a foundation of measurement system analysis and going further – base knowledge of each Green or Black Belt.

Keywords: Measurement system analysis, Lean Management, Six Sigma, Gage R&R, measurement error
p. 144 pobierz
14 1(3)/2013/14

Juliusz WÓJCIK

Abstract: The study presents issues related to the motivation of human action and its shaping. The issues are presented from the point of view of psychology, sociology, management science and cybernetics. It was found that in the application of appropriate stimuli may affect motivation to change and consequently the change in quality of performance. The common denominator of these areas of study is the conclusion that the motivation may be the result of the conditions of information or energy. Maslow, human motivations, addicted from needs. He introduced the so-called pyramid of needs, from which it follows that the greatest impact of human motivations are the needs of an energetistic nature. But the Herzberg in his two-factor theory of motivation found that motivations are the result of exposure to man, so-call motivators such as stimuli (incentives) of the informative nature. At the same time he provided the conditions which made the effectiveness of these motivators. Mazur introduced the man as an autonomous system and describe the processes that determine the motivation of action. He said that the man, as the system must be able both to retrieve from environment as well to place on in to the environment, the information and energy. This means that the motives of human actions can have only informative and energetistic character, what largely corresponds with the results of sociological research. Kossecki linked motivations of human activities with distinctive social norms and depends of the human norm type, he found that motivations can be informative, energetistic, or mixed. To similar conclusions is reaching when it is depending the type of motivation of man's relation to the basic categories of social existence, given by Koneczny. Using the principles of transmission of information it has been shown that the efficiency of the control depends on the motivation. People with the energetistic motivation are more likely susceptible to control. In the discussion are presented examples of control in technical systems, typical for the problems presented in the work.

Keywords: motivation, control, technical systems, the impact of information
p. 163 pobierz
15 1(3)/2013/15

Jarosław ZAWADZKI, Damian ZASINA

Abstract: The purpose of this article is presentation of emission inventory as a field, where integration of information from various sources is widely used. One of tasks of emission inventory is combining pieces of information about any significant source of emission of air pollutants or greenhouse gases (GHGs) to estimate value of emission in the most reliable way. Sources of used information are not only environmental studies. They are elaborations from completely various fields as e.g.: mining, metal casting, agricultural sciences or forestry. National emission inventory merge data from: statistical surveys, scientific elaborations, interior and international analysis, National Emission Database (NED) and specific international statistical questionnaires on energy sector. Emission inventory in public power and energy sector is the good example of using data from different sources. There are possibility of encounter data on: combusted fuels (type and amount), composition and calorific value of fuels, average emission factors, parameters of particular systems of air pollution control and many other.

Keywords: data-integration, carbon dioxide, emission inventory, statistics
p. 186 pobierz
16 1(3)/2013/16


Abstract: Decision Support Systems (DSS) are computer-based tools which can assist managers of different disciplines, local governments, investors and other stakeholders to simulate, evaluate, and/or optimize management alternatives. This study aims to elaborate and develop a concept design of a DSS and explore the possibilities which it offers in selecting the most optimal Clean Coal Technology for a given location in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The implementation of CCT is a very complex process and is characterized by the interaction of many factors such as: economic, environmental, legal and social therefore, as a consequence the decision-making becomes intricate. The study consisted and relied on the draw-up structure, the determination of fundamental components of the DSS and the generation of recommendation reports. Furthermore, the identification of the DSS user’s needs was carried out along with the classification of the main groups of users, which have a direct impact on the implementation processes of the CCT in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.

Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Clean Coal Technologies, decision-making, technology implementation.
p. 196 pobierz


ISSN 2391-9361


Edition circulation: 130 copies


1 1(13)/2016/1

Selected satellite remote sensing methods in environmental monitoring of mining areas

Abstract: Environmental protection and monitoring in mining areas is a complex issue which includes a variety of aspects, as a consequence of complicated activities related to the mining of mineral resources. A degradation of environment is different depending on areas where hard coal is mined and where lignite is mined in open cast mines. Among others, related main environmental problems are: subsidence, fire hazard on heaps of coal wastes, soil moisture changes, land use changes and complex environmental degradation caused by one or more of the above-mentioned factors. Investigating and monitoring of those aspects of environment in the mining areas, especially over the vast areas, using field methods, is difficult, time consuming and expensive. Systematic using of remote sensing methods, especially based on satellite data, as supplementary or even as primary methods instead of field measurements can save a lot of money. An undoubted advantage of remote sensing is acquiring of information at virtually the same time, which ensures consistency of time of the measurements. It is very important in monitoring of phenomena with high time variability (such as soil moisture). Another advantage is possibility to analyze initial state of environment using historical data for many years ago. Remote sensing methods are also convenient tools for planning, supervising and monitoring the rehabilitation of degraded areas.

Keywords: mine areas monitoring, satellite remote sensing, subsidence, soil moisture
p. 11 pobierz
2 1(13)/2016/2

Development of magnetic technologies in shale gas extraction

Abstract: The paper presents the current and potential use of magnetic materials and methods of shale gas exploration and exploitation. Furthermore, with reference to the main objective, the principle of the hydraulic fracturing process, as a way of shale gas exploration, was outlined.

Keywords: shale gas, hydraulic fracturing, magnetism, magnetic materials, mining technologies
p. 25 pobierz
3 1(13)/2016/3

Mine rescue during difficult period of mining industry restructuring

Abstract: The article’s goal is to analyze the basic rules of the Polish mine rescue operations within the structures from the time of its creation in 1907 through changing organization forms within 100 years in connection with ownership changes in the coalmining industry, legal regulations including the amendment to the Labour Law and the Geology and Mining Law to the present times. On the basis of that analysis the author has drawn several conclusions concerning the Polish mine rescue operating rules in difficult times of restructuring of the mining industry as well as conclusions for the future. The conclusions are included in the main text in bold.

Keywords: mine rescue, mining industry restructuring, work safety
p. 38 pobierz
4 1(13)/2016/4

Witold BIAŁY
Registering coal cutting force using the POU-BW/01-WAP device

Abstract: This article presents the structure and operating principle of a globally unique device which allows for the measurement of forces involved in the process of cutting (coal breaking), named POU-BW/01-WAP by the author. It is the only device in the world which makes it possible to directly determine the value of the two component forces involved in the coal cutting process: the cutting force Fs and the contact force between the pick and the coal solid Fd. Determining the value of the forces involved in the cutting process is possible with the use of two independent measurement blocks, each consisting of strain gauges. The forces were measured using a tangential-rotary pick utilised in drum shearers. The calibration process of force strain gauges has been described and the results of verification research presented. The device has been approved with the ATEX certificate, which allows it to be operated in real environment as a device intended for use in explosive atmospheres in accordance with the 94/9/EC directive.

Keywords: cutting force measurement, strain gauge measurement, measurement device, head calibration, result verification
p. 50 pobierz
5 1(13)/2016/5

Reducing dust concentration in mines

Abstract: An important and most frequently used means of dust disposal in mines is water spray. Recently, it was found that its efficient operation depends on the relation between the size of the dust grains and water drops. The article gives examples showing that at the current level of water jet design, this requirement is not met. This leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a new type of nozzles.

Keywords: dust concentration, nozzle, dust particles
p. 65 pobierz
6 1(13)/2016/6

Joachim KOZIOŁ
Factors determining the energy use of coal

Abstract: Presented circumstances conducive to safety as the element of quality of life. Analyzed objective factors, ie. independent of the executive bodies governing mining and energy as well as subjective factors on which these bodies may be affected. It summarizes the conclusions concerning the possibility of the use of coal.

Keywords: factors of coal utilization, energy security
p. 73 pobierz
7 1(13)/2016/7

The shutdown of the main fan at the locality Sviadnov, the Paskov mine, OKD, a.s. – Czech republic

Abstract: The article deals with the reduction of the mine ventilation network, thereby saving electricity in connection with the shutdown of the main fan at the locality Sviadnov,the Paskov mine based on moving mining activities to the takes of a pit Staříč and Chlebovice, the Paskov Mine, OKD, a.s. (Ostrava-Karviná Mines).

Keywords: underground mine, ventilation, main mine fan, mine safety
p. 84 pobierz
8 1(13)/2016/8

The process of employees preparation to safety executing their work baseing on coal mine example

Abstract: In the following article has been shown a process of newly employed workers to safety executing their work in a coal mine. In described company emphasis has been put on the safety at work improving including proper work adaptation, developing and improving employees skills, showing them dangers at work, courses and trainings.

Keywords: safety management, trainings, professional adaptation, human factor
p. 92 pobierz
9 1(13)/2016/9

Comprehensive solution of technological improvement of the progress of the longwall’s exploitation in 510/1 bed of C3 section in “Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie”, coal mine

Abstract: The paper presents the attempt at working out and putting into practise the comprehensive solution of technological improvement of the progress of the longwall’s exploitation in 510/1 bed of C3 section. In broad outline the paper describes the conception, the way of putting the solution into practise and obtained results.

Keywords: progress, costs, safety
p. 103 pobierz
10 1(13)/2016/10

The cooperation between local government units and mining industry. The case study ofcounty of Wodzisław Slaski

Abstract: The article is taking the issue of twelve-years-long cooperation between county of Wodzislaw Slaski and local coal mines in the area of vocational education of youth as an example of difficult relations between local government and mining industry in Poland.

Keywords: vocational education, job security, the cooperation between coal mines and secondary schools
p. 113 pobierz
11 1(13)/2016/11

Dariusz MUSIOŁ
Action on aerological prevention as a necessary element of expenditure on mining in the longwalls

Abstract: Characterized borne by the coal companies financial expenditures to improve safety. It pointed out the need for properly selected prophylaxis within aerological threats in the longwalls of supplies. Characterized example of two longwalls carried out under a coalmine in terms of ventilation hazards and applied preventive work limiting the impact of existing threats on the production process. We analyzed the cost of operations and preventive factors calculated costs used in prevention.

Keywords: mining, aerological threats, preventive work, the costs of preventive work
p. 122 pobierz
12 1(13)/2016/12

Lining of drums in belt conveyors and his influence on the transfer of tractive force

Abstract: At every point of contact between the belt and the drum, the equalization of velocities occurs, which manifests itself in creeping even in the case of relatively dry and clean contact surfaces. This leads to the development of heat absorbed by both the elements – the belt and the drum lining. In contrast to the belt, the temperature in the drum lining grows until a certain steady limit that depends on many factors is reached. If the temperature of surface of drum lining of about 60 0C is exceeded, structural changes in the material of this drum lining already occur, and at the next increase in the temperature, a danger of belt ignition and of the destruction of drive unit threatens. This can be avoided by lining the drum with new materials that eliminate friction on the contact surfaces and that are heat resistant.

Keywords: belt conveyor, ceramic lining, creeping
p. 138 pobierz
13 1(13)/2016/13

Analysis of changing mine fire development

Abstract: Mining coal seams in Polish coal mines are connected with natural hazards occurrence. One of this hazards is fire hazard resulting from mining combustible material. Each type of coal is more or less combustible. Although in recent years the number of fires has decreased significantly, the occurrence of fire in the underground mine is very dangerous. It endangers miners’ lives and also leads to substantial material damage. Usually the detection of fire is relatively quickly, because in mines CO-detection systems are used. However, it’s very important to take prompt decisions when a fire occurs in a mine. The most important thing is not to allow for the development of a fire. The analysis of changing in the mass of burned coal and prediction of fire gases temperature are conducted in the article. These analysis show that the best way to reduce the fire development is reducing significantly the volumetric airflow through the excavation with fire.

Keywords: underground mining fire, spontaneous fire, fire development, fire control by ventilation ways
p. 143 pobierz
14 1(13)/2016/14

The influence of mining working conditions on protections against electric shock

Abstract: The article presents the effects of electric current on the human body. The article analyzes the relationship between the parameters of the specific working conditions of mining, and the threat of electric shock. Analyzed the work of security in the form of a system of grounding protective conductors in the selected medium voltage switching stations in KWK Murcki-Staszic (exploitation levels on the 500 and 720 m). Analyzed the measurements of earth electrodes resistance in the area of selected switching stations and specified the actual touch voltage and compared with permissible touch voltage.

Keywords: impedance of the human body, electric shock, permissible touch voltage, earth electrode resistance, protection against electric shock, earthing system of protective conductor
p. 159 pobierz
15 1(13)/2016/15

Contribution to the assessment of mercury emissions from burning coal waste dumps

Abstract: Coal mining waste dumps are responsible for the emissions to the atmosphere of gases such as: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons and the highest emission intensity occurs on the burning coal mining waste dumps [1, 2, 5, 6]. In the hard coal mining and processing waste dumps very often combustion can be observed. The fires are a direct outcome of applying inadequate dumping technology and depend on the physico-chemical properties of the dumped waste rock. The conducted analyses of the burning coal mining waste dumps leave no doubts: the burning dumps are also the source of mercury emissions. Unfortunately, so far in Poland not even estimations of the mercury emission level from this type of objects have been conducted and, thus, the scale of the problem is not known. The article presents the results of preliminary ratings scale problems as well as an estimate of annual mercury emissions from burning coal mining waste dumps in Poland.

Keywords: mercury emissions, coal waste, dump
p. 171 pobierz
16 1(13)/2016/16

Marian PONIEWIERA, Krzysztof SOKALLA, Magdalena WRÓBEL, Lucyna JUZEK
Designing of the shaft safety pillar based on numerical mineral deposit model

Abstract: The paper presents the possibility of use Numerical Deposit Model to design of the safety pillar for the ventilation shaft in an exemplary coal seam, based on the data from the boreholes.

Keywords: safety pillar, Numerical Mineral Deposit Model, TIN surfaces
p. 178 pobierz
17 1(13)/2016/17

Stanisław KONSEK, Krzysztof MACIOŃCZYK, Michał MENŻYK
Deepening the 8 shaft of „Jankowice” coal mine as a perspective of developening the mine after 2020

Abstract: The 8 shaft is the fundamental element of a mine model and putting it into operation would make it possible to eliminate the 6 shaft including the infrastucture and unblock resources being trapped in a protective pillar. The process of deepening the shaft with 8,5 m diameter was started in November 1987 and finished in August 1991. The shaft has been 731,76 m deep – from the shaft framework, simultaneously a single-sided inlet at the level of 250m and double-sided inlets at the levels of 400 m, 565 m and 700 m has been done. In September 2004, the mine obtained permission to shaft hoisting motion in the eastern range whereas in the first half of 2006 in the western range. In 2008 the contractor for the conceptual project of building levels 880 and 1070 m as well as technical and technological project of shaft deepening to 1103,7 m level was chosen. In November 2010, the realisation of technological excavations indispensable to 8 shaft deepening was started. These actions were finished in January 2013. Next, the work was ongoing, which was connected with a large-diameter hole drilling from 880 m level to 731,76 m level. Currently, the mine is performing the contract “Deepening the 8 shaft on measuring distance from 731,76 m level to 1103,7 m level, together with making a shaft housing and two double-sided inlets on 880 m level and 1070 m level, and also inbuilding shaft reinforcement for the Coal Mine joint-stock company, Branch Jankowice Coal Mine”.

Keywords: shaft, building, deepening, resources, future
p. 190 pobierz
18 1(13)/2016/18

Nikodem SZLĄZAK, Dariusz OBRACAJ, Justyna SWOLKIEŃ
Effectiveness of air conditioning systems in coal mines

Abstract: It is difficult to ensure stable parameters of microclimate by means of ventilation and air-conditioning in underground excavations. In the nearest future a further deterioration in ther-mal hazard in Polish coal mines can be expected as a result of mining at deeper and deeper levels. The aim of this article is to present used methods of climatic conditions control and to indicate errors in design. There are natural and technological heat flux sources in mine airways. High air temperature and humidity lead to worse climatic conditions. It results in slowing down some functions of a human organism, such as perception, concentration and attention. This unfavorable effect of air temperature and humidity on human body is known as thermal hazard. Problems connected with design of ventilation and cooling systems in underground mines are becoming more and more important.

Keywords: climatic hazard, underground air conditioning systems, effectiveness of air conditioning sys-tems
p. 202 pobierz
19 1(13)/2016/19

Piotr GŁUCH, Wojciech LEKAN
Integrated with the rock mass vertical supports

Abstract: Mining supports are often made on the outline breach of the excavation in the point connection of the rock mass. In the vertical overage technologies used execution of monolithic concrete casing when mining rock explosive don’t guarantee a full fusion of rock mass, which is fractured and stratification before the final casing. The article presents modern solutions applied practically covers the excavation of vertical units of the rock mass in order to obtain high performance in terms of system capacity of the housing complex of the rock mass.

Keywords: mining, construction and mining, shaft support
p. 217 pobierz
20 1(13)/2016/20

Analysis of physico-mechanical properties of hydromixtures prepared based on ashes from fluidized bed boilers regarding possibilities of liquidation of the underground excavations and cavities

Abstract: For many years in Polish coal mines there are succesfully used fine grade energy waste in form of ashed or water suspension, which are transported to selected places using pipelined gravity installations. One of this waste are ashes from fluidized boilers. Due to the pozzolanic properties, fly ashes can be used in mining technologies, which require filling selected underground cavities with material with required strength. According to some differences in physical properties of ashes, in this paper there are presented the results of hydromixtures’ researches made on the basis of the ashes in the three electricity boards.

Keywords: flying ashes, waste removal, filling cavities
p. 228 pobierz
21 1(13)/2016/21

Krzysztof KURUS, Monika STĘPIEŃ
Post-mining areas in the district of Gliwice – case study

Abstract: The aim of this article is to draw attention to the problem areas degraded by mining activities in the municipality of Gliwice. This article is a case study for three post-mining areas, which in varying degrees, actions were taken for the revitalization of these areas or they were completely abandoned. The article presents a comparison of selected areas and objective evaluation of the authors, which helped to determine the directions of their future development.

Keywords: post-mining areas, industrial areas, revitalization, land reclamation
p. 239 pobierz
22 1(13)/2016/22

The complexity of multidimensional enterprise performance measurement – contribution to further research

Abstract: Paper is based on research of literature in the field of efficiency. It discusses the issues of defining and measuring enterprise performance. Multidimensional approach was presented. The paper indicates the directions for further research in the field of the relation between interorganizational cooperation and firm’s performance.

Keywords: efficiency, performance, measurement
p. 248 pobierz
23 1(13)/2016/23

The experience of the Zakład Odmetanowania Kopalń „ZOK” sp. z o.o. w Jastrzębiu-Zdroju, in the design and construction of surface and underground methane drainage stations

Abstract: The article presents the essence of methane drainage using surface and underground methane drainage stations. The solutions used nowadays in mines have been described with the division because of the range of scope and their location on: the central surface stations, central underground stations and local methane drainage stations. It presents the history of the devices and their operation in relation to modern solutions with an indication of improvement in the gas parameters that is sent to the recipient and the capacity of its economic usage. Equipment and technological solutions are described on the basis of long-standing practice of the Zakład Odmetanowania Kopalń “ZOK” Sp. z o.o.

Keywords: methane drainage, methane drainage stations
p. 255 pobierz
24 1(13)/2016/24

Methane and ventilation analysis, as a tool for the ongoing assessment of the level of methane hazard in coal mines

Abstract: The paper presents selected results of the research conducted in the framework of the AVENTO project, funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). one of the objectives of this project was to develop the principles and conduct ventilation-methane balances for the operated longwalls areas based on the data registered by the automatic methane sensors and the velocity of the ventilating air. For methane hazard assessment an indicator was proposed, which is the ratio of the ventilation methane bearing capacity to the criteria methane bearing capacity. Increase of this indicator indicates an increase of methane hazard level. Based on the results of the research of methane-ventilation balancing an algorithm for assessment and visualization of methane hazard in the areas of the active longwalls was developed.

Keywords: safety, mining, ventilation, methane hazard, analysis, assessment
p. 267 pobierz
25 1(13)/2016/25

Professional burnout syndrome – identification, division, results and ways of counteracting

Abstract: The article includes general characteristics of job burnout, description and symptoms of professional burnout syndrome as well as ways of counteracting the syndrome.

Keywords: job burnout, professional burnout syndrome
p. 279 pobierz
26 1(13)/2016/26

Krzysztof KOTWICA, Paweł MENDYKA
Accessing ore deposits using TBM machines

Abstract: The article presents the possibilities annd problems connected with accesing mineral deposits with decline shafts using gripper type full diameter TBM Machines as well as closed shields and Multi-mode ones.

Keywords: ore deposits accessing, TBM machines, EPB shields, slurry shields, multi-mode TBM
p. 287 pobierz
27 1(13)/2016/27

Krzysztof KUŚ, Arkadiusz KRÓLICKI
The reduction of the climatic threat for example, the building the collective air-conditioning in the coal layer 405 in the region L

Abstract: The reports talks about the collective air–conditioning of the headings and the longwalls in the region L in the southern district of the “Halemba-Wirek” mine. According to the research applying to the temperature scheme in the exploiting headings and longwalls it shown that the air cooling in the coal-headings is highly necessary. Basing on the temperature thread analysis the need of the air – conditioning power for the headings and the longwalls in the L region was estimated. The air conditioning system for the headings and the longwalls will be based on the cooling units producing icy water. The water will be sent by water pipelines to the air – cooling radiators located in the headings and the longwalls situated in the exploiting region L. The temperature of the condensation from the cooling units will be sent to the mine dewatering system.

Keywords: climatic threat, collective air–conditioning
p. 302 pobierz
28 1(13)/2016/28

Andrzej Józef LIS
The industrial revolution in Europe, in the former polish lands and in upper Silesia

Abstract: This article describes the social and economic changes in Europe and Poland in the 18th and 19th centuries. It presents the period of the industrial revolution in cause and effect categories. The article discusses the most important technical discoveries and their influence on the development of industry (textile, coal, metallurgy), agriculture (large-scale mechanized agriculture) as well as their indirect impact on social change (urbanization, development of industrial districts, inflow of the rural population into cities, liberation of peasantry, formation of new social classes- the middle-class, factory owners, laborers). The article also demonstrates the geographic diversification of the industrial revolution, with Great Britain and the USA leading the way. The geographically diversified industrial revolution also included the former Polish lands (i.e. Polish territory belonging to three different countries, the economies of which were completely different from one other – Germany, with a thriving economy, Russia which remained far behind in terms of innovation, and Austria with a slow-growing economy) with its developing Upper Silesia region.

Keywords: the industry in the XIXth century
p. 314 pobierz
29 1(13)/2016/29

Paweł ŚWIERK, Konrad FOKS, Marcin WILCZAK, Wiesław ZIEWIECKI
Monitoring of machinery and equipment work

Abstract: This study shows the implementation of the Electromechanical Supervision Center (CNE) in the "Piast" mine, and selected examples of existing applications used to monitor the essential parameters of the manufacturing process.

Keywords: Electromechanical Supervision Center, visualization, ATVisio, DEMKop
p. 324 pobierz
30 1(13)/2016/30

Underground radio communication systems

Abstract: Described selected radio systems used in mining, including in particular those that use free propagation and directional one with leaky feeder cable. Also presented systems based on standard WLAN in the mines.

Keywords: telecommunications in mining, radio communication, leaky feeder cable, wireless net-works
p. 337 pobierz
31 1(13)/2016/31

Damian CZOIK
The risk of entrepreneur mining activity related to hiring employees

Abstract: Managing a business is linked with various risks. One of the most important, resulting from the rules of the labor law, is the risk associated with hiring employees. It concerns legal systems all democratic countries. Its level is also increasingly associated with a wider and more effective protection of freedoms and human rights, including employee (eg. the right to safe and healthy working conditions, the right to privacy, protection of personal data). In Poland, due to historical circumstances and dynamic changes in the period of political transformation, in some respects this risk is of specific character. In extreme cases, the level of this risk can decide about economic prosperity of implemented business venture. The biggest problem is the fact that in the case of different types of risk, employer has little opportunities to minimize them. Given the level of threat and a well-developed worker protection, the situation has particular importance in the mining industry. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to this issue, because it seems that in a democratic legal state, protecting the employer in this area should be higher.

Keywords: risk, employer, employee, protection, mining industry
p. 350 pobierz
32 1(13)/2016/32

Dariusz RĘBIELAK, Romuald PASTERNOK, Mariusz ZELDER, Stanisław SZEWCZYK
Cooperation of mining industry with local governments

Abstract: This paper covers the subject of negotiating the area of mining exploitation with local government and the owners of buildings as well as of technical infrastructure network, within administrative borders of Ruda Śląska. It proves that a substantive dialogue makes coal exploitation possible even in highly urbanized areas.

Keywords: local governments, mining damage, mining exploitation project
p. 363 pobierz
33 1(13)/2016/33

Numerical simulation of dynamic effects of a rockmass shock on a mine working

Abstract: The paper presents results of numerical modeling of the effects of dynamic loads in an area of a mine working resulted from a rockmass shock. The assessment of changes affecting the working area has been evaluated with use of an anisotropic ubiquitous joint model. Computer simulation covered two main stages: static simulation, which includes assessment of the destruction state of rock structure in the surroundings of the mine working, and dynamic simulation that includes additional loads of the rockmass, which surrounds the working and its support in the result of the shock. Conducted numerical calculations demonstrated that increased loads resulted from a rockmass shock results in significant increase of destructions in the rockmass and increased deformations of the working profile.

Keywords: destruction zones, rockmass model, shock, stresses, working’s deformations
p. 373 pobierz
34 1(13)/2016/34

Equipment for auxiliary work mechanization – equipment UPZ-1 for scraper conveyor board realignment in the logwall

Abstract: The goal of this article is to remind of the long-forgotten UPZ-1 device that used to be produced by the RAGOR Radzionków. It is not a description of a new invention but a reminder and an encouragement to use the device again in order to lower costs which, nowadays, is the “to be or not to be“ of the mining industry. The article presents data to calculate savings resulting from the use of the UPZ-1.

Keywords: realignment, boards, UPZ-1
p. 387 pobierz
35 1(13)/2016/35

Katarzyna MIDOR
Social preferences of directions revitalization in a selected mining area of Polish-Czech borderland

Abstract: Mining activity causes negative changes in the environment, which are most frequently referred to as mining damage. The major effects of mining activity include deformations with secondary effects, discharge of saline waters from mining plants’ drainage, mining waste, areas requiring reclamation and management, methane emissions from mines, emissions of dust and gases. It should be emphasised that mining damage has a strong influence on the psyche of people inhabiting the degraded areas and can cause the sense of hopelessness, loneliness and helplessness, which results from living in such a place. The appearance of degraded areas is closely related to the change of industrial society into post-industrial society. These changes refer not only to economy and economic activity, but also to spatial standards and all kinds of lifestyles. These new forms of activity should become a priority for degraded areas. In post-industrial society the spatial demand for production purposes is lower, whereas for services, consumption and recreation this demand is higher. Phenomena related to the unfavourable effect of mining activity are particularly visible in the border area of the Silesian Province (Poland) and Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic). The article presents a discussion of the results of studies the aim of which was to become acquainted with the local community’s opinion on the preferred directions of post-mining areas’ revitalization. In the conducted studies the opinions of different social groups according to their occupation, age and education have been analysed. The research was conducted in a commune near the Polish-Czech border.

Keywords: degraded area, the local community, mining activities, revitalization, trends
p. 397 pobierz
36 1(13)/2016/36

Computer aided design of powered roof supports according to method of Zakład Remontowo-Produkcyjny KW S.A.

Abstract: Presentation of Zakład Remontowo-Produkcyjny’s copyright calculation program, tasked with improving of the design of powered roof support.

Keywords: powered roof support, optimization, design process, lemniscate mechanism
p. 407 pobierz
37 1(13)/2016/37

Jan GIL, Anna ŻAK
Optimization of power roof supports renovated and modernized in Zakład Remontowo-Produkcyjny for the needs of mines the KW S.A.

Abstract: The article describes methods optimization of powered roof supports, renovated and modernized by ZRP for the needs of the KW SA. Objective of optimization is adapt technical parameters of the power roof support to real needs of the system operated longwall while improving safety and minimizing costs.

Keywords: power roof support, optimization of construction, supporting of roof
p. 418 pobierz
38 1(13)/2016/38

Monitoring of machines and devices – the concept of the technical implementation of the regulations

Abstract: We present the concept of protection Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Systems both with unautorized access and posibility to data sharing betwen them.

Keywords: dedicated IT networks, data security, data mirroring server, remote access, SCADA systems
p. 430 pobierz
39 1(13)/2016/39

Determination of the influence range of exploitation pressure ahead of longwall face by the seismic profiling method

Abstract: Cyclic seismic investigations have been performed in the haulage inclined drift drilled in coal seam no. 510, during approaching of face of the longwall with caving no. 506 in the same coal seam. Performed investigations enabled determination the changes of velocity and attenuation coefficient of seismic P-wave in coal seam with the shortening distance between the longwall face and the inclined drift. With the use of the measured velocities of seismic P-wave, the changes of stress level in coal seam no. 510 were determined. The distance between the longwall face and the inclined drift, with the observed increase of stress level in coal seam no. 510 in the area of inclined drift due to the influence of exploitation pressure coming from longwall no. 506, has been determined. The study results should be useful to design the zones of the enhanced rockburst hazard in similar geological and mining conditions.

Keywords: exploitation pressure, seismic profiling, rockburst hazard
p. 443 pobierz
40 1(13)/2016/40

The 5 Whys method as an element of maintenance management in a coal mine – an implementation attempt

Abstract: Coal mines in Poland increasingly often introduce quality management systems, which oblige them to adhere to the rules of constant improvement of main and auxiliary processes. Constant improvement in organisation can be achieved through a number of quality management tools and methods, which effectively enhance the efficiency of organisational processes. Nonetheless, quality management tools are massively underused in Polish coal mines. The author of this article would like to present a possibility of applying select quality management methods in a coal mine, which would be innovative for the company and introduce a new quality to the processes conducted. One of the more important auxiliary processes in a coal mine is the maintenance process. The effectiveness of this process depends on a number of factors, such as: keeping technical assets in a state of constant readiness, efficient failure elimination, and reducing the stoppage time due to breakdowns to an absolute minimum. The priority of the maintenance process in a coal mine is to keep in a state of readiness the machinery and equipment involved in the extraction line. A high readiness level can be maintained by, among others, reducing the failure elimination time. This is especially important due to the fact that the extraction line is a chain of machines involved in the process – a failure in one of the machines automatically stops the operation of all the others. That is why this article will present the implementation of a selected quality management method in order to improve the efficiency of the maintenance process in a coal mine. This should make it possible to identify the primary causes of prolonged stoppages and find an optimal solution to the problem.

Keywords: mine, failure, downtime, management, improvement, maintenance, quality
p. 457 pobierz
41 1(13)/2016/41

Qualifications – selected ways of classification of knowledge, skills and social competence

Abstract: The article presnts ways of qualification classification and new possibilities of their acquiring. It discusses European and Polish qualifications framework, ways of their registration and benefits coming from their classification. It also talks about the ECTS accumulation model employed by higher education institutions. The article also mentions the issue of validation and certification.

Keywords: European gualifications framework, Polish qualifications framework
p. 465 pobierz
42 1(13)/2016/42

The use and formation of a solution of linings straight-arch shaped in experiences’ condition “Jas-Mos” mine

Abstract: The article discusses the use of a solution of linings straight-arch shaped where the straight section of construction is supported by stand supporting from the one side of side wall, from the other side of side wall is arch shaped. A solution of a support was used in liquidation duct, starting sidewalks and roadway. Based on experiences the article presents movement’s adventages of arch-straight supports, the problems of their usefulness and solutions in order to improve their carrying capacity. The technical and technological requirements are condition in use of coal mines’ excavation.

Keywords: mining, underground construction, housing
p. 478 pobierz
43 1(13)/2016/43

KWK “Rydułtowy-Anna” as an example of reclamation of post-industrial grounds

Abstract: The mine „Rydułtowy-Anna” has been leading the exploitation of bituminous coal since 1792 in Rydułtowy and its suburbs. Exploitation has effected on many problems like: mine’s damages, environmental degradation or water pollution. The City Hall in Rybnik and the City Hall in Rydułtowy cooperated and devised the concept in order to arrange the land use which was demolished by exploitation waste. The best examples of that cooperation could be: building and shaping the landscape with the land use next to the Leon II shaft of KWK “Rydułtowy-Anna” or leveling and reclamation of former dumping ground of KWK “Rydułtowy-Anna” , former Ruch “Ignacy” in Rybnik-Niewiadom. Every action is taken in concert with the City Halls and local society. After finishing the activity of the main they will be the hosts of these grounds.

Keywords: reclamation, the waste mining, dump, landscape
p. 491 pobierz
44 1(13)/2016/44

Influence of causes of various types longwall coal shearer KSW-460/NZ failures on machine available time

Abstract: The following paper presents wide range of different failures of the coal shearer KSW-460NZ. The article reports issue of mechanical failures and hydraulic system problems and its influence on available time. The most interesting of them were elaborated. What was also analyzed were methods of diagnosing and troubleshooting and the causes of failures.

Keywords: longwall coal shearers, failures detection, available time
p. 506 pobierz
45 1(13)/2016/45

Prospects Rybnik coal mines

Abstract: This article aims to present the situation in the mining district of Rybnik – the current difficulties and the prospects for its development. The reader is presented statistical data showing the relationship between the national demand for energy generated in the combustion of coal, and the possibilities of mining and sales Rybnik mines. There has also been a brief analysis of the reasons for the overall low profitability of the Silesian mines. Article aims to minimal draw attention to the prospects for the development of mining in Poland, with honors business areas that require deep mines and the planned restructuring, taking into account the current economic standards. The publication also attempt to indicate on the outside of mining activities mines that are often involved in the development of the local.

Keywords: mining, restructuring, profitability, cooperation mines
p. 517 pobierz
46 1(13)/2016/46

Monitoring systems in underground mine

Abstract: The efficient functioning of the mine depends heavily on properly functioning mining equipment and acceptable to the miner technical environmental conditions found in excavations. Monitoring systems are an essential element of effective management of the mine.

Keywords: telecommunications in mining, dispatching system, monitoring
p. 526 pobierz
47 1(13)/2016/47

Stanisław KONSEK, Czesław MAZUREK, Korneliusz JENDRZEJEK, Tomasz PIECHA
Application of minning cooler of nitrogen as additional element of fire prevention in KW S.A. Jankowice coal mine

Abstract: The article presents a method of cooling nitrogen for the inertisation of gobs for fire prevention at KWK “Jankowice”. Application of mining cooler of nitrogen increases the efficiency of fire prevention. The practical application of the cooler is shown on the example of coal seams 501/3 and 417/1. Application of mining cooler of nitrogen allowed to maintain the coal self-heating process at a low level.

Keywords: mining, cooling, nitrogen, prevention, fire
p. 537 pobierz
48 1(13)/2016/48

High altitude mine rescue teams

Abstract: The paper presents the organization and the way of functioning of specialized rescue teams working in mine shafts or steeply sloping excavations. The requirements of regulations for work on the heights were described. The specialist equipment and the way of conducting trainings were presented. The examples of the rescue operations and prevention services using climbing techniques were presented.

Keywords: high altitude rescue, work at heigths, climbing techniques, specialized mine rescue teams
p. 552 pobierz
49 1(13)/2016/49

Correlation of occurrence of surface buildings damages with mining tremors by examples of Piast coal mine in the years 2014-2015

Abstract: Mining tremors are one of the most important side effect of mining operation from the point of view their influence on infrastructure located on the surface of the mining area. Protection of surface and buildings located on the surface is one of the requirements to fulfil by present-day coalmines, because each mining operation is awkward for users of buildings. Piast Coalmine has operated coal seams for over 40 years, that is reflected in a large number of high-energy tremors and thus the vibration that may affect the condition of surface buildings. In the paper the reality referring to the number of examples of high-energy tremors is shown, that may cause mining damage to surface buildings in correlation with the amount of damage reported and the cause and effect relationship between the tremor and the reported damage.

Keywords: mining tremors, mining damage, buildings damage, scale GSI
p. 569 pobierz
50 1(13)/2016/50

Marek MICZAJKA, Małgorzata WYSOCKA, Krystian SKUBACZ
Assessment of radiation hazard caused by natural radionuclides in underground galleries of Chwałowice colliery

Abstract: The monitoring of radiation hazard, caused by natural radioactivity, is performed routinely in underground galleries of Chwałowice Colliery since many years. The main goal of the monitoring is to estimate the radiation hazard for the miners. The important issue is to take into account all possible sources of the radiation hazard. Accordingly to the current regulations following sources of natural radioactivity have been monitored: the potential alpha energy concentration of short-lived radon decay products, the concentration of natural radionuclides in mine waters and sediments as well as gamma doses, received by miners due to working in the underground galleries.

Keywords: radiation hazard, natural radioactivity
p. 588 pobierz
51 1(13)/2016/51

Andrzej SOJKA, Grzegorz SZUBA
Development and conotouring the seam 405/1 in “L” part of the mining area halemba ii at „Halemba-Wirek” coal mine

Abstract: The proposed development, contouring and mining the seam 405/1 by means of four longwalls with total extractable resources estimated at 3,874 mln T results in maintaining the production levels of “Halemba-Wirek” coal mine with the maximum use of the its infrastructure and simultaneously in increasing the quality of the production. The discharge of exhaust air toward the shaft „Północny II” was proposed with the “Y” airing system which increases the safety of extraction and maximizes the methane drainage system efficiency. It is associated with the proposed direction of excavation and will result with selective transportation of high quality output. Taking into account limiting the influence of the Halembski fault, the contouring and excavating fields shapes were designed adequately. The proposed solutions doesn’t harm the future exploitation in this area.

Keywords: „Halemba-Wirek”, coal mine, development and contouring the seam
p. 603 pobierz
52 1(13)/2016/52

Normalization in the mining

Abstract: Paper presents basic principles of standardization activity om national and international levels. Emphasized is a problem of standardization in mining in organizational and technical aspects. Detaily are described the PN-EN standards relating to explosion safety in the underground coal mines.

Keywords: PN-EN standard, ISO standard, technical committee
p. 617 pobierz
53 1(13)/2016/53

Implementation of mechanical device for local reverse men transportation type pce-ut in “Piast” coal mine

Abstract: In this paper the meaning of underground crew transportation to and from mining areas was discussed, as well as current underground means of transport and issues of introducing a new mechanical device for local reverse crew transportation. The role of all devices reducing labour during getting to worksite was emphasized. The possibilities of further progress of local reverse crew transportation systems and need of searching other innovative ways of crew transportation was pointed out.

Keywords: transportation, safety, comfort, efficiency, crew
p. 627 pobierz
54 1(13)/2016/54

Assessment of technical condition mining machines based on the criterion of the Weibull distribution

Abstract: : In exploitation of machines one of the prior parameter is dynamic condition of an object. The most popular method of giving results about dynamic condition is observation of residual processes. Especially dynamic residual processes are carriers of diagnostic information. measurements of vibration and noise of working machines provide knowledge about dynamics of a evaluated machine. Long-term knowledge and experience allowed to create diagnostic procedures. In mostly devices created in industry, procedures are written in standards ISO 10816 and ISO 7919 which allows effective diagnostic and optimal management of devices. Applicability of this standards is most popular, but there also appear devices which parameters forbid their applicability. To this devices can qualify some of used in underground mining. Giving a diagnostic mark for a longwall shearers, scraper conveyors and many of the others devices being in technological sequence, application of mark spheres compatible with ISO 10816 and ISO 7919 is incorrect. In diagnostic evaluation this kind of a machine we usually use analysis long time trends. Determination acceptable levels of vibrations are getting in heuristic way, by observation a development of a damage to an emergency state. In article there is presented methodology of giving a diagnostic mark about machines which uses models of degradations of a device, based on Weibull analysis. Presented method were used to gave real marks of vibration machinery and equipment for underground mining in one of the coalmine. Conduction of analysis showed a more effectiveness of a presented methodology.

Keywords: technical diagnostics, Weibull distribution, assessment of the state machines, analysis of trends
p. 639 pobierz


ISSN 2391-9361


Edition circulation: 130 copies


1 1(7)/2014/1


Abstract: The article presents the results of studies on the identification and analysis of problem areas concerning aspects of ergonomics in laparoscopic surgeries. The studies were based on the research carried out in both real conditions and simulation conditions. The described methodology and research material refers to the photographic documentation of the operating room and laparoscopic instruments, in addition to performed staged procedure as well as the way of planning the deployment of members of the surgical team and patient positioning. The next step in the research was acquisition of the data concerning the way of performance of bariatric procedures in real conditions with the use of wireless goniometer and torsiometer, made with video recording. The method of carrying out the research as well as the identification of barriers in the process of ergonomic assessment of laparoscopic procedures have allowed the authors to obtain the research material which was the starting point for the development of a research model for ergonomics in laparoscopic procedures.

Keywords: Ergonomics, laparoscopy, planning of studies, capturing the body position
p. 7 pobierz
2 1(7)/2014/2


Abstract: This paper presents a components importance analysis of a complex technical system with the use of selected reliability components importance measures. The analysis was carried out on a propeller shaft stern tube seal of a ship propulsion system. The reliability structure of the analyzed system was modeled by means of the fault tree. For given system components the following were determined: the Birnbaum’s reliability and structural importance measure, reliability improvement potential, criticality measure and Vesely-Fussell’s measure. A transformation of measures based on rescaling their values has been proposed to simplify the comparative analysis using different measures with reference to the same system components. A transformation process for the analyzed system has been presented together with a results visualization of comparative components importance analysis by means of 3D bar charts and radar charts for a data series determined as system components and importance measures. Comments on the proposed methodology have been presented and other ways of its application have been indicated.

Keywords: Importance measures, comparative analysis, ship propulsion system
p. 23 pobierz
3 1(7)/2014/3


Abstract: The article presents a way to increase annual output of a mining facility by 25% with unaltered employment system. The article presents comparative analysis of a mining facility, its output, economic results of sales, “lost” possibilities, stoppages due to malfunctions, effective work of longwall shearers and their predicted malfunction-free working time depending on a number of mining shifts. Implementation of constant work i.e. increasing the number of mining shifts to four per twenty four hours will allow for enhancement of a mining facility’s production capabilities utilization and decrease of a mining facility’s losses which will result in improvement of economic results of sales.

Keywords: Mining facility, output, economic result, “lost” possibilities, malfunctions, effective work of longwall shearers, constant work, number of mining shifts
p. 34 pobierz
4 1(7)/2014/4


Abstract: The work includes information concerning secondary education reform. It presents structure of the education system, qualification courses and the way they are financed, selected recommendations for more effective skills and knowledge acquisition with cooperation with employers and higher education institutions. It also shows concerns connected with the cooperation.

Keywords: Secondary education, clusters
p. 43 pobierz
5 1(7)/2014/5


Abstract: The article presents method of preparing coalface and mining black coal seam with a thickness of 8.6 m. It further states the reasons why the procedure was selected. At the same time, a list of the coalface equipment and technology applied while the coalface was being cleared out after its completion is attached.

Keywords: Thick seam, mining, geological log, protective layer of coal, coalface, advancing support, shock, spontaneous combustion
p. 57 pobierz
6 1(7)/2014/6

Karina HERMANN, Witold BIAŁY

Abstract: The article attempts to evaluate supply system of fly ash between power plants and mining plant. The main aim of this paper is to shown technical, organizational and environ¬mental problems which are related to transport process of fly ash. This paper characterized the fly ash and its recovery. The article also described structure of delivery system, indicated carrier selection criteria, pointed out advantages and disadvantages various modes of transport used in supply chain and presents the possible risks to the safety of persons involved in the transport process. In addition, the paper presents possible improvements of the existing system and proposes an alternative solution.

Keywords: Supply system, fly ash, waste logistics, transportation
p. 64 pobierz
7 1(7)/2014/7

Karolina JĄDERKO, Barbara BIAŁECKA

Abstract: Creating an indicator that monitors sustainable development is one of the most difficult methodological and implementable tasks in waste management system. A need for unification and standardization of control procedures is a stimulus for system modeling. Its objective will be to create a set of indicators for waste management. In the paper there is an authors' attempt presented concerning distinguishing the key areas of waste management system that enable application of indicator mechanism. The problems of using the chosen indicators were examined for the particular province systems of municipal waste management, allowing at the same time comparisons and distinguishing the key problems in the analyzed areas.

Keywords: Sustainable development indicators, sustainable development, waste management system
p. 78 pobierz
8 1(7)/2014/8

Tomasz SZULC

Abstract: The article presents organizational aspects of execution of the Local Revitalization Programs in the largest cities in Poland. Basing on the study of literature there were indicated the directions of further development of organizational structures and identified possible solutions. Directions of further research basing on the paradigms New Public Management and Public Governance, as well as of further developments of managerial methods were also defined.

Keywords: Execution of revitalization processes, stakeholders, New Public Management, governance
p. 91 pobierz
9 1(7)/2014/9

Tomasz WAŁEK, Piotr KALETA

Abstract: In the article, an innovative method of space heating and cooling in small and medium sized enterprises is presented. Principles of the gas heat pump technology (GHP), its advantages and influence, limiting the impact on the natural environment, as well as decreasing primary fuel resources and reducing costs of using the energy in enterprises are discussed. Various types of locations, where presented technology gives results, are indicated.

Keywords: Space heating and cooling, gas heat pumps, natural environment, energy management, SME, GHP
p. 101 pobierz
10 1(7)/2014/10

Radosław WOLNIAK

Abstract: Presented paper concentrate on using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology in supply chain management. Today the RFID technology can not only be enterprise assets, but also the movement of products, containers, vehicles and other assets across vast geographical areas. Supply chain management is the management of material, information and finance through a network of organizations (i.e. suppliers, manufacturers, logistic providers, whole sales distributors and retailers) that aims to produce and deliver products or services for the consumers. The aim of the paper is presentation of possibility of using RFID technology in supply chain management. In the paper there is a presentation of the history of RFID technology, the possibility of use of RFID in various industries and the analysis of benefits of RFID from supply chain management point of view (as fewer humans hands involved reduced errors reduced costs and so on). Also there is a brief description of potential risk of the technology especially in regard to the healthcare environment. Nowadays the RFID technology is increasingly using in various industry as: shipping and distribution, retail, manufacturing, agriculture, health care, pharmaceutical, government, gamin, security, timber, library etc. in supply chain management process. Many benefits described in the paper causes the possibility of wide use of this technology.

Keywords: RFID, supply chain management, RFID benefits, RFID risks
p. 109 pobierz
11 1(7)/2014/11

Radosław WOLNIAK, Patrycja HĄBEK

Abstract: The paper presents issues concerning the possible application of computer software in the field of corporate social responsibility reporting. In particular, attention was paid to solutions where the software is part of a large ERP software packages. There is in the article an analysis of the existing ERP software from the perspective of its possible use for reporting corporate social responsibility and the scope of issues that the software includes.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, reporting, ERP, computer aided management
p. 119 pobierz
12 1(7)/2014/12

Damian ZASINA, Jarosław ZAWADZKI

Abstract: This paper presents analysis carried out with using data provided by the Polish system of air pollutant emissions management – the National Emission Database (NED; data from 2011), established by the National Centre for Emissions Management at the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute. The NED database was established primarily for purposes of country-level air pollutant emission management also financial matters in environmental management (environmntal taxes). The first analysis: [21] also the second [22] have shown that the data collected in the NED database can be treated as an effective, supporting device in national air pollutant emission inventory for purposes of fulfilling international obligations (i.e. UN ECE LRTAP Convention [17]). In this paper are shown selected problems with emission downscaling and disaggregation for purposes of reporting with using data on emission of nitric oxides (NOX) and sulphuric oxides (SOX) from stationary combustion sources derived from the NED database.

Keywords: National Emission Database, emission inventory, downscaling, disaggregation, Poland
p. 128 pobierz
13 1(7)/2014/13


Abstract: The Cluster Theory raises a lot of interest among scientists and government institutions. Internationally, there have been many studies published and empirical research conducted which help broaden the knowledge of clusters. The analysis of literature presented in this article indicates that the comprehension of the nature of creation and development of clusters requires knowledge of management, economics and economic sociology. The Cluster Theory must be viewed in relation to questions such as: regional development, relations within regional business structures, innovation, competitiveness and social capital.

Keywords: Cluster definitions, cluster attributes, clusters types, cluster dynamics
p. 138 pobierz


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