ISSN - 2391-9361
Volume 9, issue 2
Edition circulation: 130 copies
Spis treści

vol. 9, iss. 2/1
Marzena SMOLARSKA What kind of personal data can an employer process and for how long
Abstract: The article presents what kind of data and on which basis can an employer process as a data controller. The article presents as well the guidelines that should be taken into account in the implementation of video monitoring. Attention was paid to the need of regulating the data retention area and problems in this respect.
Key words: controller, employer, employee, data subject, video monitoring, data retention

vol. 9, iss. 2/2
Joachim KOZIOŁ, Michał KOZIOŁ, Piotr ZIEMBICKI Education as an effective way to improve municipal energy
Abstract: The paper presents the silhouette of a modern specialist in the field of municipal energy. His duties and tasks in communal organizations of each level were discussed. Particular attention was paid to his education in first-cycle (engineering) studies and/or post-graduate studies, as well as conferences and seminars. The possibility of using welleducated specialists in the field of municipal energy in the process of energy management in communes was pointed out, audits of municipal and household facilities were developed, rational use of renewable energy sources while maintaining prosumer economy principles and for spreading Smart Grid technology.
Key words: education, efficiency

vol. 9, iss. 2/3
Romuald AWSIUK Acquisition and processing of energy and their impact on the human environment, with particular emphasis on atmospheric pollution
Abstract: One of the major problems of the modern world is environmental pollution. The progress of civilization increases the demand for energy, however, the process of its production has a great impact on the environment. Unfortunately, the production and usage of solar energy has its limitations, therefore, the combustion process currently has the largest share in energy production. As a result of burning fossil fuels, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly in recent years. However, in order to assess the speed and magnitude of this increase, it is necessary to take into account the carbon cycle in nature. This is especially important when discussing the prevailing belief that increasing CO2 concentration is the atmosphere is a major cause of global warming. In this article I present a critical analysis of the contribution of the increased CO2 concentration to global warming based on the energy balance of the Earth's atmosphere taking into account also other factors that have an impact on this process.
Key words: global warming, greenhouse effect, solar constant

vol. 9, iss. 2/4
Sławomir STELMACH, Aleksander SOBOLEWSKI, Karina IGNASIAK Ecological coal based fuels
Abstract: The article characterizes ecological fossil fuels in terms of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy of 27.09.2018 on the quality requirements for solid fuels and the ecological effect in the form of reduced emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during the combustion process. Standard methods of producing ecological fossil fuels based on mechanical and thermal processing of hard coal (low-emission smokeless fuels) were presented. The analysis included both ecological fossil fuels available on the market and those currently being developed as part of R&D and implementation works.
Key words: ecological fossil fuels, low-emission fuels, smokeless fuels

vol. 9, iss. 2/5
Dominika STYRNOL Environmental impact of mine dumps. Example of mine dump „Marcel” in Radlin
Abstract: The article aims to present the impact of mine dumps on the natural environment, by discussing the legal provisions regarding the operation of these objects, as well as analyzing the case of the exploited mine dump. The first part concerns the provisions of the Act of 10 July 2008 on extractive waste and the Act of 14 December 2012 on waste. It presents in detail what legal actions should be taken at the next stages of the mine heap operation as an object neutralizing mining waste, i.e. waste from exploration, recognition, extraction, processing and storage of minerals from deposits. Legal solutions that deserve special approval were indicated, as well as those whose change should be rethought. Waste processing was also discussed as a possible method of dealing with mining waste. The second part analyzes the functioning solution, which is a heap of mining waste at the existing KWK ROW Ruch "Marcel" PGG S.A. in Radlin. The object's impact on the environment and its elements were identified, especially people in their place of residence and landscape.
Key words: mine dump, mining waste, waste processing

vol. 9, iss. 2/6
Antoni WOJACZEK, Kaźmierz MIŚKIEWICZ, Anna MANOWSKA, Andrzej NOWROT Possibilities of application of RFID systems in underground mines
Abstract: Difficult, environmental conditions of underground mines require the used identification systems and the location of selected machines, which are in extensive underground excavations. In this purpose, zone location with RFID technology is used in some mines, but this used is limited. RTLS real-time localization has not applied yet. The article discusses selected problems related to the used of RFID systems in underground mines.
Key words: RFID systems, zone location systems, radiocommunication in mining

vol. 9, iss. 2/7
Piotr MOCEK Selection of main fans for the target of the X mine based on analysis and calculation of the ventilation network
Abstract: The article analyzes and calculates the current and future ventilation network of the X mine in order to select the parameters of the main fans that should be used in the target model of the X mine after the liquidation of the necessary mining excavations infrastructure and adaptation of the mine to the role of a central underground water pumping station which is a protection for neighboring mines and mining plants. The article presents the results of measurements of the parameters of the current ventilation network of the Mine X and the target model network using the AERO-2014D program of the company POK "Zachód" Spółka z o.o. Simulations of network parameters in the target model included the liquidation of two shafts and unnecessary mining excavations. The tests were carried out for various types of main fans. The obtained results enabled the selection of an optimal main fan meeting the assumed ventilation requirements in the future target model of the X mine.
Key words: Mine, ventilation network, target model, shaft, main fan, efficiency, equivalent hole, accumulation of aerodynamic potentials

vol. 9, iss. 2/8
Stanisław KONSEK, Mieczysław LUBRYKA, Klaudiusz MĘŻYK Degasification and utilization of methane in SRK S.A. “Jas-Mos – Rydułtowy I” coal mine and Ruch “Jas-Mos”
Abstract: The article presents the way and effects of degasification in SRK S.A. “Jas-Mos – Rydułtowy I” coal mine Ruch “Jas-Mos” from the headings of decommissioning “Moszczenica” coal mine, where the methane reservoir was formed. Degasification was started in order to protect the environment and ensure safety of decommissioning coal mine due to the increase of methane risk in Ruch “Jas-Mos” headings. The article also presents the economic aspect of methane utilization for industrial energy.
Key words: degasification in decommissioning coal mines, methane extraction from decommissioning coal mines, environmental protection, utilization of methane

vol. 9, iss. 2/9
Stanisław KONSEK, Antoni CZAPNIK Target dewatering model liquidated coal mines, in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin
Abstract: The process of liquidation of mines and the restructuring of coal mining in the area of Upper Silesian Coal Basin – due to protecting active mines – not eliminated the problem of dewatering abandoned coal mines. Implemented in the years 90. dewatering model, was based on the existence of hydraulic connections between active and liquidated coal mines. The current situation of mining in the area of Upper Silesian Coal Basin and the experience of SRK S.A. – COAL MINES RESTRUCTURING COMPANY & CZOK Department (Central Plant of Dewatering Mines) SRK CZOK in the field of mine drainage, prove that this model requires verification and improvement. On the basis of the current mining and hydrogeological situation, SRK S.A. proposes to Target Dewatering Model all mines of Upper Silesian Coal Basin, based on separating 9 drainage areas, with one district pumping station for each of them. The success of its implementation, requires the involvement and participation of all mining companies and need to take the proposed measures before the liquidation of the mine. Target Dewatering Model, will optimize and reduce the cost of protecting neighboring active coal mines against the threat of flooding.
Key words: liquidation of mines, dewatering systems, water hazard, Target Dewatering Model

vol. 9, iss. 2/10
Anna LUBOSZ COVID-19 influence on behaviours of miners in the chosen mine of the hard bituminous coal
Abstract: In the article the author is bringing up the problem associated with the counteraction of COVID-19 infecting by employees of coal mines stone, through implemented of systems of the safe work in the mining in the period of pandemic. Moreover, the author is showing the results regarding the poll conducted amongst employees of one of mines of the hard bituminous coal in the scope of its knowledge of applied procedures of the COVID-19 counteraction.
Key words: COVID-19, coronavirus, coal mining, safety in the mining

vol. 9, iss. 2/11
Tomasz SOŁTYSIAK, Kazimierz LEBECKI, Marcin MAŁACHOWSKI, Henryk BADURA Hazard of dusts harmful to health in the mechanized preliminary work
Abstract: Mechanized preliminary work carried out with the use of modern heading machines is the cause of high concentrations of harmful dust. The article presents the results of air dustiness measurements in a typical development working.
Key words: dust hazard, dustiness measurements, optical dust measurement, gravimetric dust monitoring

vol. 9, iss. 2/12
Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Jan KANIA High pressure hydraulic media network in underground mining plants
Abstract: The article presents a high-pressure hydraulic network in an underground mining plant (coal mine). This network allows to effectively provide a medium to power the receivers which are using hydraulics power and the technical sources used for this purpose. The scope of the article includes the presentation of the concept of hydraulic power regarding the use and planning of hydraulic systems. Article presents the medium, its tasks and types of hydraulic fluids used in hydraulics power in underground mining. The highpressure network model used in coal mine is shown by presenting a description of the production of oil-in-water emulsion and its delivery to places where electricity is converted to hydraulic energy, transport to hydraulic receivers and their supply. The way of returning the medium to the pumping station is also presented.
Key words: hydraulic power, hydraulic fluid, oil-in-water emulsion, high pressure network, hydraulic receivers, pump station

vol. 9, iss. 2/13
Benedykt POSPISZYL New ways of vocational training in Poland including mining qualifications
Abstract: This article consists of short summary of problems and issues of vocational training in Poland and analysis of this subject in mining industry with its modification optoions. It also contains legal regulations of vocational training and change possibilities in mining professions qualifications.
Key words: vocational training, education, qualifications, mining professions

vol. 9, iss. 2/14
Wioletta NOWARA Danger of harmful dusts at the workstation. Analysis of correlation of strength parameters of rocks and dust level
Abstract: Dust in the working environment poses a high risk to the health and life of workers. So far, underground mining is not possible without the formation of dust, which is considered a side effect of extraction. The article focuses on the correlation between strength parameters of coal in 10 selected longwalls of the mine belonging to Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and the measured level of dust in those longwalls.
Key words: harmful dust, dust level, longwall shearer, safe working conditions, hard coal

vol. 9, iss. 2/15
Marian LASEK, Zbigniew CZERNECKI, Antoni JAKUBÓW Implementation of innovative technology of goaf inertisation using inert gas mixture obtained through gas engine exhaust gases purification
Abstract: The paper presents implementation of the project of innovative and efficient technology for inertisation of active or sealed-off longwalls in underground mines, using an inert gas mixture obtained through gas engine exhaust gases purification, which prevents endogenous fires. The project consists of a single stage of industrial research and two stages of development, which include construction and demonstration of the prototype exhaust gas purification plant. The main feature of the technology is using exhaust gases produced by methane engines, which allows high efficiency of producing inert gases. In addition, integrating carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the correct ratio allows fully exploiting the advantages of each of the gases. As a result, by allowing generation of much larger amount of inert gases in a unit of time compared to the available technologies and by combining the physicochemical properties of both nitrogen and carbon dioxide in a single mixture, the innovative technology considerably increases the efficiency of fire prevention, lowering the probability of an endogenous fire occuring. In the context of ecology, innovative inertisation technology of processing and reusing exhaust gases produced by methane engine will decrease pollutant emission in mining. Thanks to low energy consumption it will also decrease the inertisation costs.
Key words: endogenous fire, fire hazard prevention, efficient inertisation, catalytic purification of gas engine exhaust gases

vol. 9, iss. 2/16
Jarosław ZAWADZKI Kriging – from mining practice through theory to environmental applications
Abstract: The article presents, in an approachable way, selected issues related to the method of the ordinary kriging, which is widely used for the estimation of mining resources. In particular, such properties of the ordinary kriging were described, which are usually less known but determine its usefulness and accuracy. Particular attention was paid to the role of kriging variance, which is a measure of the accuracy of results obtained using the ordinary kriging. The possibility of using the kriging variance for planning measurement networks was also discussed.
Key words: geostatistics, kriging, kriging variance, measurements networks, mining, environment

vol. 9, iss. 2/17
Bartosz BRZOZOWSKI, Maciej KULIŃSKI, Krzysztof KAŹMIERCZAK, Bartosz GAWEŁDA Autoinvent – a modern system supporting the work of mining surveyors, increasing work safety and efficiency
Abstract: The article presents a prototype of a modern system called AutoInvent, that allows for the automation of the mineral resources inventory process by measuring the volume of stacks using an unmanned aerial vehicle. In order to increase the accuracy of the data, a fusion of innovative measurement technologies was used: 3D laser scanning and lowaltitude photogrammetry, as well as the integration of two methods of precise positioning: GNSS satellite measurements supported by RTK network corrections and precise laser total station measurements. Automation of the measurement process increases the safety of mining surveyors and shortens the time needed for field work by reducing the need for people to be personally present on the stack. The project co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund within the Smart Growth operational Programme 2014-2020. The project carried out within National Centre for Research and Development call: INNOSBZ.
Key words: photogrammetry, laser scanning, unmanned aerial vehicle, proces automatization
vol. 9, iss. 2/18
Wes GREBSKI, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Jan KANIA Selected student projects of the Pennsylvania State University and the research club of the Silesian University of Technology
Abstract: The article focuses on the analysis of student projects (12 Pennsylvania State University projects and 1 sample project from the Silesian University of Technology research club). Learning by carrying out interesting projects makes the subject interesting to students. Students, therefore, work with great motivation and passion. Interesting, innovative projects release adrenaline in professors, which is transferred to students and vice versa. Students gain teamwork experience. They also learn how to apply theoretical fundamental knowledge in practical applications. Projects combine knowledge gained in various courses and demonstrate the application of that knowledge. Joint projects involving high school students is an effective method in promoting engineering as a career as well as recruiting well-prepared, motivated students.
Key words: student projects, solar power plant, solar powered car, wind farm, airplane, bicycle, longwall shearer
vol. 9, iss. 2/19
Wes GREBSKI, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Jan KANIA Global energy economy based on a case study of a USA model
Abstract: The article focuses on the analysis of the USA energy economy in terms of meeting the needs and the demands for electricity by industry and society. It shows alternative methods of solving the energy problem and compares the costs of generating electricity obtained from various sources. It also includes an analysis of opportunities and threats related to the dependence of the energy sector on individual energy sources. The article assesses the impact of energy efficiency of the equipment on energy management. It contains practical conclusions and recommendations for the energy economy on a global scale.
Key words: energy management, electricity consumption, energy cost, energy efficiency, demand reduction, power plants, energy fuels, renewable energy