Z. Korban
Radiation of mining grounds - case study forecasting the hazard level of ionizing
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-01-02-2015
Abstract: When analyzing time series we can often observe that they have periodic oscillations (cyclic, seasonal). One of the methods which can be applied to investigate such a phenomenon and which belongs to the group of periodic components models is the method of harmonic analysis. The method consists in analyzing the oscillations around the medium level a0 and building a model as the sum of so called harmonics. The paper presents the applicability potential of harmonic analysis in the forecasting process of radiation hazard on post-mining grounds (mine waters with raised content of radium Ra226 and Ra-228 drained off to the surface), using for that purpose the measurement results of radium concentration from the area of mine water catchment from the years 2004-2013.
Key words: hazard of ionizing radiation, harmonic analysis
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O. Gegechkori, E. Kozliakovskaia
The issue of the economic security and development of the Kaliningrad fishing industry
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-02-02-2015
Abstract: This article reflects the ways and methods of the development of the Russian, particularly Kaliningrad’s, fishing industry aimed at economic growth. The fishing industry conditions and the analysis of the political factors such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) accession and the end of the customs period of the Special Economic Zone that influence on the development of the fishing industry were also analysed. There were developed the measures and proposals, which have to ensure growth of the fishing industry in the current situation.
Key words: development of the fishing industry, World Trade Organization, Special Economic Zone, political factors, proposals, measures to improve
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K. Hermann
Coal fly ash management in the light of Polish and EU legal regulations
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-03-02-2015
Abstract: The article includes the analysis of current legal acts in Poland and European Union, which concerns the management of coal fly ash in organizational and technical aspects. The main aim of this paper is to identify the responsibilities and the legal obligations of entities dealing with the coal fly ash management, and to create the model of the flow of documents and information between these entities. Moreover the paper shows technical conditions of management of coal fly ash and describes the role and tasks of the authorities that supervise the observance the environmental laws.
Key words: coal fly ash, waste management, reverse logistic
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A. Skowron
Tool Lifecycle Management in industrial practice
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-04-02-2015
Abstract: The paper presents Time Lifecycle Management (TLM) as an enhancement of traditional approach to the tool management. The most important assumptions and main research areas of modern tool management are introduced. The author describes functional areas and expectations of TLM. The components and design principles of Industie 4.0 are presented. The main part shows TDM System, developed on the basis of TLM, and an example of its implementation in industrial practice.
Key words: Tool Lifecycle Management, tool management, material and information flows, simulation of manufacturing processes, requirement for tools
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S. Boron
Management of power network operation safety in mining
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-05-02-2015
Abstract: The paper characterizes hazards resulting from the use of power networks in underground workings of mines, with particular emphasis placed on electric shock and explosion hazards. Protection measures that mitigate hazards caused by network failures are presented. These measures are related to the proper design of equipment and cable lines, network arrangement and principles of selecting adequate protection equipment. The vast majority of electrical accidents are caused by the incorrect behaviour of people, mostly intentional (resulting from not respecting the rules). For this reason, particular attention should be paid to the level of skills and awareness of the risks of electrical personnel, especially for junior employees. The article presents selected safety rules when working on electrical equipment.
Key words: electrical safety, power networks
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M. Dąbrowski
The supporting of exploitation and maintenance management within networked technical systems
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-06-02-2015
Abstract: Network technical systems are complex systems, which include distribution networks with devices and engineering objects supporting their work. These kind of systems are used for media distribution, such as: drinking water, fuel, gas, heat, etc. One of specific features of this system is large territorial dispersion of technical objects within the system. The exploitation specificity of networked technical systems requires a special approach for implementing maintenance and repair work, taking into account the large territorial dispersion of their components and limited access to technical infrastructure. The features pointed above show the difference between networked technical system and the typical industrial technical objects (e.g. available in manufacturing plants). This difference also requires the use of specific IT tools for maintenance management. This article discusses examples of selected tools in this class.
Key words: maintenance, Geographic Information System (GIS), water supply system, exploitation, networked technical system, operational events
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A. Manowska
The method of assessing rock bursting hazard in mining
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-07-02-2015
Abstract: The article discusses a concept of forecasting accident risk during longwall extraction in crump-risk conditions. In Polish mines rock burst hazard can be described as high compared to other mines around the world. It's related to increase of depth of longwall field operation, preparation works, including drilling of mine face pavements which leads to systematic deterioration of geological and mining conditions. Depletion of coal is also the reason why mines operate in high mining tremor risk conditions. Mines more and more often operate in decks, where there is large number of edges and remains of older decks. Rocks bursts still remain one of the most dangerous natural hazards and therefore are fundamental problem and have the greatest impact on safety in mining industry. The proposed method for forecasting accidents and losses in people and goods can contribute to improvement of work organization methods and mine safety management system.
Key words: rock burst hazard, work organization methods
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J. Korski, K. Tobór-Osadnik, M. Wyganowska
Perfect model of mining equipment user requirement by C. Conley
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-08-02-2015
Abstract: For mining equipment manufacturers complex recognition customers – mining equipment users requirements and expects is creating new possibilities as products improvement. It is also lengthening the odds on commercial success. Basing on Chip Conley's point of view in article is presented authors recommended model of customers – mining equipment users requirement end expects.
Key words: mining equipment, selling, client, C. Conley`s model
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A. Loska
Methodology of variant assessment of exploitation policy using numerical taxonomy tools
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-09-02-2015
Abstract: The article shall discuss the possibility of exploitation policy assessment of companies managing complex technical systems. The analysis of the opportunities and needs of quantitative assessment of exploitation policy showed, that such assessment may be conducted on the basis of multidimensional set of values resulting from the synthesis of the key features associated with the performing maintenance works. Based on the results of previous studies, it was built taxonomic model for assessing exploitation policy, supplemented by an identification procedure of reference (positioning) taxonomic variants. The developed way of assessing exploitation policy will be subject of verification in terms of functioning of selected technical network systems.
Key words: exploitation policy, numerical taxonomy, exploitation decision-making process, efficiency assessment, maintenance management
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M. Wirkus
Project implementation in organisations of repetitive activities
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-10-02-2015
Abstract: The study presents the implementation of projects in organisations that achieve business objec-tives through the implementation of repetitive actions. Projects in these organisations are, on the one hand, treated as marginal activities, while the results of these projects have significant impact on the delivery of main processes, e.g. through the introduction of new products. Human capital and solutions in this field bear impact on the success of projects in these organ-isations, which is not always conducive to smooth implementation of projects. Conflict results from the nature of a project, which is a one-time and temporary process, so organisational solutions are also temporary. It influences on attitudes and commitment of the project contrac-tors. The paper identifies and analyses factors which affect the success of the projects.
Key words: project management, project organisation, human capital
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J. Brodny, M. Tutak
Numerical analysis of airflow and methane emitted from the mine face in a blind dog heading
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-11-02-2015
Abstract: Ventilation is one of the most common presented problems during the driving of dog headings. During driving such heading has only one connection with air stream routes, which significantly make difficult the process of its ventilation. In a case of its driving in coal in the methane seam, this heading is endangered also to methane emission. In such case process of its ventilation is much more difficult. In the paper there are presented results of numerical analysis of ventilation of blind dog headings using air-duct forcing the air into its mine face. The analysis was performed for four different velocities of the air at the outlet from air-duct. The calculations were made for the excavation of heading with heading machine and conveyor belt.
Key words: methane hazard, ventilation of dog headings, numerical analysis
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