A. Manowska
The method of assessing rock bursting hazard in mining
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-07-02-2015
Abstract: The article discusses a concept of forecasting accident risk during longwall extraction in crump-risk conditions. In Polish mines rock burst hazard can be described as high compared to other mines around the world. It's related to increase of depth of longwall field operation, preparation works, including drilling of mine face pavements which leads to systematic deterioration of geological and mining conditions. Depletion of coal is also the reason why mines operate in high mining tremor risk conditions. Mines more and more often operate in decks, where there is large number of edges and remains of older decks. Rocks bursts still remain one of the most dangerous natural hazards and therefore are fundamental problem and have the greatest impact on safety in mining industry. The proposed method for forecasting accidents and losses in people and goods can contribute to improvement of work organization methods and mine safety management system.
Key words: rock burst hazard, work organization methods
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