ISSN - 2391-9361
Volume 13, issue 2
vol. 13, iss. 2/1
Joachim KOZIOŁ Selected aspects of the use of energy from renewable sources to produce electricity
Abstract: The work characterizes the ecological policy aimed at replacing non-renewable energy sources with renewable sources. Historical and forecasted values of global, European and national electricity production were presented, with particular emphasis on the use of renewable energy Skurce. The most probable and predicted scenarios for electricity production in Poland until 2040 were characterized. Ecological effects were determined, such as direct and cumulative CO2 emissions and the thermo-ecological cost index related to the use of renewable energy sources. The ecological shortcomings of nuclear energy were pointed out. The approximate values of the so-called equalized costs of electricity and unit investment outlays of power plants for various sources of driving energy were given.
Keywords: aspects of the use of renewable energy sources, electricity production scenarios

vol. 13, iss. 2/2
Agnieszka CZERWIŃSKA-LUBSZCZYK, Nikol JANKOWIAK Motivation to work in the context of generational differences – a contribution to further research
Abstract: Employee motivation is a key aspect of management, especially in today's competitive and turbulent environment. Changes brought about by factors such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine influence the motivation of Polish workers. Therefore, further research in this area is necessary. The aim of this investigation is to discuss motivation in the context of generational differences and to indicate directions for further research in this field. The research is based on the analysis of both domestic and foreign literature. Currently, the main areas of research in the field of work motivation include topics related to leadership or innovation. The issue of generational differences has received less research attention. The number of publications found and their content indicate the need for further inquiry into motivation, taking into account generational differences. The results of the study can serve as a background for considering motivation systems used in organizations in post-pandemic conditions and as a direction for further empirical research in Poland.
Keywords: motivation, work, generation, X, Y, Z
vol. 13, iss. 2/3
Tomasz KORBIEL, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Jan KANIA Maintenance and operation of machines in industry 4.0
Abstract: The article discusses many aspects of Industry 4.0. In the introduction, the definition of Industry 4.0 was quoted, followed by topics related to maintenance engineering and machine operation, machine diagnosis using AI, the use of AI to maintain industrial plant operation, sensor systems, cloud measurement data processing, redistribution of critical information and system integration. The measurable effects of Industry 4.0 were also analyzed, such as improving production efficiency, reducing machine downtime, reducing maintenance costs, increasing employee safety and optimizing logistics processes. All these elements show how many benefits Industry 4.0 brings to industrial enterprises. However, this is a process that requires a lot of work and investment in new technologies, as well as appropriate training of employees who will operate these modern devices.
Keywords: maintenance, machine operation, Industry 4.0
vol. 13, iss. 2/4
Joachim KOZIOŁ Problems related to the use of renewable sources to produce electricity
Abstract: Technical conditions for the use of solar, wind, water and biological energy for the production of electricity were determined. Ways to eliminate excesses and shortages of energy from random renewable sources, such as energy storage, were indicated. power plant systems and by prosumer energy. The negative effects of the use of individual renewable energy sources were discussed. Attention was paid to the impact of electricity mix scenarios on national energy security.
Keywords: renewable energy sources. technical conditions and negative effects of use, energy storage, energy security
vol. 13, iss. 2/5
Henryk BADURA Fire risk in polish hard coal mines in the years from 1996 to 2022
Abstract: The article analyzed the number of endogenous and exogenous fires in Polish hard coal mines in the years 1999 to 2022. The basis for the analysis were reports on the state of fire risk in mines, prepared at the Central Mining Institute in Katowice, which were based on materials of the Higher Mining Office in Katowice, which were based on materials of the Higher Mining Office in Katowice. and work on fire statistics and research conducted at GIG. An increasing trend in the number of both endogenous and exogenous fires was found.
Keywords: endogenous fires, exogenous fires, fire risk measures
vol. 13, iss. 2/6
Andrzej CHMIELA, Janusz PIOTROWSKI, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Adam SMOLIŃSKI Innovative use of mine water for energy production using a hydrogenerator in Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A. (Mines Restructuring Company)
Abstract: The article analyzes the efficiency of obtaining electricity by a hydrogenerator used in mine excavations in a mine water pumping station. The use of typical solutions in a not typical technical and organizational system is the first project of this type in the Polish mining industry. The project assumes partial coverage of the pumping station's energy demand with "green" energy. Additionally, the use of the hydrogenerator is aimed at revitalizing the facilities of the liquidated mine, maintaining the existing ones and creating new jobs. The innovative introduction of new technologies and modern technical and technological solutions may become a model solution that can be replicated in other locations.
Keywords: hydrogenerator, mine drainage, RES, energy efficiency, revitalization of post-mining installations
vol. 13, iss. 2/7
Michał KOZIOŁ Forecast of limit prices for solid biomass as a substitute for hard coal – 2025-2028
Abstract: The fuel market is often subject to significant fluctuations. Additionally, ecological policy is being rapidly introduced in the European Union. This causes further major changes in the energy market. At the same time, the European Union's policy forces investments aimed at the energy transformation of enterprises. One of the possibilities of energy transformation is the substitution of hard coal by biomass. Such substitution should be subject to an economic viability assessment. In conditions of high uncertainty, analysing the profitability of investment projects is very difficult. One of the elements helpful in conducting such an analysis are the maximum rational prices for energy contained in biomass. The article presents the most important factors shaping biomass prices, currently and in the coming years. As shown, due to the large number of factors, it is not possible to create a reliable model that takes into account their impact on biomass prices. The article proposes a simplified algorithm based on global hard coal prices and the price of European CO2 emission allowances. The proposed algorithm allows you to determine the maximum rational price for a unit of energy contained in biomass. The article contains the assumptions of the calculations and the results for the years 2025-2028.
Keywords: hard coal, biomass, fuel substitution, energy costs
vol. 13, iss. 2/8
Ewa MIREK-JONKISZ Management of gangue on the example of JSW S.A.
Abstract: Safe management of the gangue is an important aspect of any underground mining activity. Recently, there has been a clear change in the view on the management of mining waste streams. On the one hand, this is due to the need to adapt regulations and operating standards to new environmental regulations. On the other hand the needs of local communities living in the areas where the activity takes place. There is no doubt that the management of the gangue should be carried out with respect for the principles of environmental protection, needs and arrangements with the communities. It is important that this management takes place in a planned and transparent manner, based on transparent principles and directions of management. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. is a listed producing company selling high-quality hard coking coal based in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. It manages the gangue based on the Extractive waste management strategy, which includes current and prospective directions of waste management and elements concerning the optimization of organizational and technical processes in the field of waste management. The article on the example of JSW S.A. discusses the management of the gangue with a focus on the development directions of particularly demanding arrangements and good relations with the municipality – host. Including waste management in Extractive Waste Management Facilities and the use of mining aggregates in the infrastructure of cities and municipalities. In addition, the elements of the Extractive Waste Management (GOW) Strategy concerning organizational and technical processes were also briefly discussed.
Keywords: gangue (waste rock), mining waste management, mining waste, mining aggregates
vol. 13, iss. 2/9
Jan MARCISZ, Piotr MICHORCZYK, Aleksandra BURCZYK Forecasting quality parameters of coke determined by Nippon Steel Corporation test using selected statistical methods and machine learning techniques
Abstract: The key process for ensuring the stability of the quality parameters of the coal and coke produced is the process of bed reconnaissance, which allows the intended level of quality to be achieved through appropriate long-wall scheduling in terms of quality. To meet coal market demands, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa is constantly improving its processes, including those related to deposit reconnaissance and production planning. Coke reactivity and coke strength after reaction are critical parameters for efficient blast furnace operation; unfortunately, determining them for geological samples is not always possible. This paper discusses the possibility of using machine learning methods to predict coke quality parameters determined by Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC). RapidMiner software was used to analyze the data and build predictive models, which enabled efficient data mining, model building, and analysis of the results. Analysis of historical geological data with the help of popular machine learning techniques showed that work on applying AI in bed quality prediction is promising, and efforts should be made to identify the most effective approaches to this issue.
Keywords: coal, coke, quality, machine learning, artificial inteligence
vol. 13, iss. 2/10
Kinga MOCEK, Piotr MOCEK Biological agents in the mining environment – identification, hazards risk assessment
Abstract: The amendment of the regulations on harmful biological agents for health in the work environment and the protection of the health of workers occupationally exposed to these agents introduced in 2020 in Polish legislation in connection with the implementation of Commission Directive (EU) 2019/1833 of October 24, 2019 has made it necessary for employers to pay more attention to the identification of biological risks and conduct an occupational risk assessment of exposure to harmful biological agents in the work environment. To meet this obligation and taking into account the difficulties that the identification of biological agents in the mining environment has posed so far, the authors in the presented article presented the basic legal aspects of biological agents and a descriptive procedure for occupational risk assessment. The risk estimation was presented on a specific example of biological hazards occurring in the area of longwall 126 in the X mine's deck 507. The paper indicates the possibilities of identifying biological hazards in the mining environment on the basis of an interview, a site visit combined with environmental surveys and available literature. As well as described the various stages of the descriptive method of occupational risk assessment and preventive measures taken. Also indicated are the disease states identified among the employees of the G-1 Division caused by the contact of employees with biological agents present in the mine workings. The presented procedure is a valuable training material for the proper conduct of occupational risks in connection with biological agents present in other mines and mining plants.
Keywords: mining, hazard, harmful biological agents, occupational risk assessment, preventive measures, biological hazard reduction
vol. 13, iss. 2/11
Nikol JANKOWIAK, Agnieszka CZERWIŃSKA-LUBSZCZYK Generations on the labor market – a theoretical approach
Abstract: The aim of this publication is to discuss the issue of generations in the Polish labor market and to point out the differences between them. Representatives of different generations are characterized by diverse perceptions of their surrounding world, mainly stemming from distinct systems of values, preferences, attitudes, predispositions, as well as personal and professional expectations and needs. Belonging to a specific generation significantly influences an individual's approach to work, communication, skills and competences, professional experience, level of technological advancement, and methods of setting career goals. The research was conducted using the desk research method. It can serve as a basis for further studies, especially in the area of employee motivation. The findings may contribute to a better understanding of differences in values, motivations, expectations, and professional preferences among different generations.
Keywords: generation X, Y, Z, Baby Boomers
vol. 13, iss. 2/12
Sandra NOWAK, Małgorzata WYSOCKA, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Andrzej CHMIELA Multi-criteria analysis of factors forming radon risk in mining areas
Abstract: Over the last few decades, a significant number of underground hard coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin were closed. Mine closures were caused on the one hand by the exploitation of coal deposits and on the other hand by social and economic changes. In post-mining areas, the effects of many years of coal mining are observed, causing, among other, disintegration of the geological environment and hydrological disturbances. One of the risks is related to the migration of a radioactive gas, radon, which can enter residential buildings and workplaces. This paper presents a risk assessment of elevated radon concentrations based on a multifactorial analysis, taking into account the hazards caused by mining, natural and technical activities.
Keywords: abandoned coal mines, indoor radon concentration, radon migration; radon risk, radon hazard assessment
vol. 13, iss. 2/13
Izabela CHMIELEWSKA, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Andrzej CHMIELA Radionuclides in waters from underground coal mines
Abstract: Upper Silesia is a unique region on the map of Poland, where very intensiva mining activity has been carried out for a very long time. Coal mining is inextricably connected with the need to dewater mining plant, regardless of weather it is an underground or open-pit mine. Mine effluents are largely brines, heavily mineralised , characterised by diverse chemical composition. The most freaquently found ions are: chlorides, sulphates, sodium, potassium and barium. Additionally, brines from deep workinings may contain enhanced concentration of natural radionuclides. Usually mining waters are discharged to surface ones like local streams, creeks or rivers, thus causing chemical or radioactive contamination of the natural environment. Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity has been performing regular monitoring of mining water for the content of radium isotopes 226Ra and 228Ra for several decades. In the frame of paper applied research methods and the results obtained during monitoring will be presented.
Keywords: mining waters, natural radioactivity, radium isotopes, monitoring
vol. 13, iss. 2/14
Adrian GAWĘDA, Stefan CZERWIŃSKI, Andrzej CHMIELA Financial standing of energy sector companies and European Union environmental regulations
Abstract: The European Union's (EU) environmental policy is a comprehensive and clearly defined action plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In Europe, the entities that emit GHG in the largest quantities are companies in the energy sector. For this reason, most of the EU environmental activities concern them. However, it will not be possible to implement EU policies if these companies do not have adequate resources to conduct their core business activities and bring them into compliance with EU requirements at the same time. That is why understanding the relationship between EU actions and the financial standing of energy sector companies is so important and was the purpose of the study. The study supported the notion that EU regulations trigger the need for changes in the way companies operate, which force certain costs for these companies, so lead to a deterioration of their financial standing. The results confirmed aforementioned assumption.
Keywords: inancial standing, RoA, listed companies, energy sector, European Union policy, environment
vol. 13, iss. 2/15
Romuald AWSIUK Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing – History and Implications
Abstract: The article presents the significance of nuclear weapons testing, with particular reference to atmospheric explosions. In order to provide a good overview of the subject, the first part presents the reactions that trigger the binding energies released in nuclear explosions. This is followed by a presentation of the construction and operating principles of the various types of nuclear bomb. In a following section, the complete history of atmospheric test explosions is given, with emphasis on the type of bomb and the power of the explosion. The types of contamination caused by different types of nuclear weapons are also discussed, as well as the effects of atmospheric disturbance caused by these tests. Finally, it is shown how the fact of environmental contamination and atmospheric disturbance can be used in studies of the natural environment.
Keywords: nuclear weapons, fission bomb, thermonuclear bomb, radiocarbn, trtium
vol. 13, iss. 2/16
Jędrzej BLAUT, Wiktor LESZCZYK, Rafał RUMIN A perspective on the use of small batch machines for production engineering filament and waste management
Abstract: In recent years, the recycling of plastics has become a key environmental challenge. Polymeric materials are widely used, which generates the problem of persistent waste after their end-of-life. The possibility of reusing these materials enables efficient waste disposal. The 3D printing market is growing rapidly and printing filaments can be produced from recycled materials. This paper reviews the literature on the production of filaments from recycled polymers as an alternative to the current approach to central selective collection of plastics. An experimental rig for recycling thermoplastic PET material and its mechanical properties are presented. In addition, commercially available equipment for the production of filaments from waste plastics is analysed.
Keywords: plastic recycling, environmental protection, waste management, polymer materials, 3D printing filaments, PET recycling, mechanical properties, filament production, alternative approach, selective collection, thermoplastics, waste disposal, 3D printing, upcycling, waste management
vol. 13, iss. 2/17
Henryk BADURA Methane hazard in Polish hard coal mines in the period from 1996 to 2022
Abstract: The article analyzes the development of methane risk in Polish hard coal mines in the years 1998 to 2022. The article is based on the analysis of data included in annual reports on the state of methane risk in hard coal mines, edited at the Central Mining Institute on the basis of data collected by the services of the Higher Office Górniczy in Katowice. The article pays particular attention to the use of methane captured by methane drainage systems. Increasing trends in the absolute methane capacity of mines and increasing trends in the methane capacity of methane drainage systems were found. A weak tendency to reduce ventilation methane capacity was also found. A general increase in the use of methane from methane drainage systems and large fluctuations in ventilation methane capacity were also demonstrated.
Keywords: methane mines, methane, methane drainage, methane use
vol. 13, iss. 2/18
Joachim KOZIOŁ Socio-ecological problems of anthropogenic limitation of climate change
Abstract: The study discusses the concept of human quality of life. Natural and anthropogenic causes of climate change are presented. Various estimates have been given of the impact of human activity on this change. The positive and negative effects of anthropogenous counteracting climate change were determined. The goals and potential effects of implementing the US Green New Deal and the European Green Deal were characterized. The negative effects of analogous, previously implemented central socio-economic plans were pointed out. Attention was paid to the symptoms of the operation of a higher, negative intelligence responsible for the tragic consequences of the analyzed plans.
Keywords: quality of life, natural and anthropogenic causes of climate change, green deal, negative intelligence
vol. 13, iss. 2/19
Zygmunt ŁUKASZCZYK, Krzysztof BURDA Energy transformation of municipal company – Case study
Abstract: The article presents the directions of energy transformation in the water supply and sewage sector based on Water and Wastewater Ltd. Company in Rybnik. An analysis of the company's energy consumption is presented, taking into account key internal infrastructure facilities. It describes the transformation directions realized and the results obtained and the development prospects for achieving maximum energy independence in the future.
Keywords: energy transformation, energy efficiency, cogeneration, photovoltaics