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Analysis of the efficiency of port container terminals with the use of the Data Envelopment Analysis method of relative productivity evaluation
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0001
Abstract: The article presents a method for evaluating the efficiency of port container terminals. The research was conducted for nine European terminals which use different handling technologies. The terminals have been divided due to the level of automation of transport processes. In the efficiency research DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method is applied, that was previously used in studies of the relative productivity in the industry. This method allows you to multicriteria pro-cess analysis based on the properly selected production system model processing input parameters on output. Conclusions from analysis can be a ground for making a decision on organizational or investment issues.
Keywords: container terminals, transport efficiency, transport system modelling
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Dorota ŁOZOWICKA, Magdalena KAUP
The conceptual design algorithm of inland LNG barges
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0002
Abstract: The article concerns the problem of inland waterways transport of LNG. Its aim is to present the algorithm of conceptual design of inland barges for LNG transport, intended for exploitation on European waterways. The article describes the areas where LNG barges exist, depending on the allowable operating parameters on the waterways. It presents existing architectural and construction solutions of barges for inland LNG transport, as well as the necessary equipment, due to the nature of cargo. Then the article presents the procedure of the conceptual design of LNG barges, including navigation restrictions and functional and economic criteria. The conceptual design algorithm of LGN barges, presented in the article, allows to preliminary design calculations, on the basis of which, are obtained the main dimensions and parame-ters of unit, depending on the transport task and the class of inland waterways, on which the transport will be realized.
Keywords: inland shipping, LNG transport, conceptual design
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Design of a test ring for the examination of mechanical properties of rolling bearings
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0003
Abstract: The paper presents a design basis adopted for the construction of a test facility for the rig testing of rolling bearings. One of the methods of inspection of the bearings is the testing of the bearings as components having already been mounted in a specific machine component unit and tested in the conditions of operation of the unit as a whole. This article presents preliminary engineering requirements and the design of a special test rig for the examination of rolling bearings without the necessity of mounting the bearings in a specific machine component unit. The rig testing is widely used in consideration of numerous good points of such a method. The simulation testing of bearings (on test rigs) consists in reproducing as accurately as possible the real conditions of operation of the bearings when mounted in the device for which they are intended. The rigs used for such tests are complicated and expensive, but the results of such tests are more “reliable” and more accurately represent the impact of various operational factors (loads) on the durability of the bearings under test.
Keywords: rolling bearings, rig tests, designing of test rigs
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On the necessity of changes in the strategy of utilization ship boiler technical maintenance in the aspect of LNG applied as fuel
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0004
Abstract: Heavy oils (HFO fuels) used on ships play a part in degradation of technical condition of heat exchange surfaces of utilization boilers especially on the exhaust gas side. Presence of sulphur in these fuels is the main factor favouring degradation. The upper limit for sulphur content in the fuel used outside the SECA areas equal to 3.5% is currently in force, at least until the year 2020 or 2025. The recommended by classification societies overhauls of utilization boilers are, therefore characterized by a specially chosen strategy thanks to which it is possible to maintain their appropriate technical condition. The requirement to use fuels with low sulphur content (LSFO), which are significantly more expensive than MDO fuels, in the areas of controlled sulphur emissions also led to a further introduction of alternative fuels, such as methanol and above all liquefied natural gas (LNG), onto ships. That is especially valid for the ship owners whose vessels e.g. ferries sail mainly within SCECA This article analyses the consequences of the introduced fuel change on utilization boiler maintenance. A change in the technical condition maintenance strategy for utilization boilers has been suggested.
Keywords: utilization boiler, technical condition, maintenance strategy, gas as a ship fuel
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Andrzej PAWLAK, Małgorzata ZALESIŃSKA
Comparative study of light sources for household
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0005
Abstract: The article describes test results that provided the ground to define and evaluate basic photometric, colorimetric and electric parameters of selected, widely available light sources, which are equivalent to a traditional incandescent 60-Watt light bulb. Overall, one halogen light bulb, three compact fluorescent lamps and eleven LED light sources were tested. In general, it was concluded that in most cases (branded products, in particular) the measured and calculated parameters differ from the values declared by manufacturers only to a small degree. LED sources prove to be the most beneficial substitute for traditional light bulbs, considering both their operational parameters and their price, which is comparable with the price of compact fluorescent lamps or, in some instances, even lower.
Keywords: bulb's replacement, photometric, colorimetric and electric parameters light sources, light-emitting diode (LED), light sources for household
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Prediction of a newbuilding proce of the bulk carriers based on gross tonnage GT and main engine power
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0006
Abstract: The paper presents mathematical relationships that allow us to forecast the newbuilding price of new bulk carriers, based on data concerning vessels built in 2005-2015. The presented approximations allow us to estimate the price based on a gross tonnage capacity and a main engine power The approximations were developed using linear regression and the theory of artificial neural networks. The presented relations have practical application for estimation of bulk carrier newbuilding price needed in preliminary parametric design of the ship. It follows from the above that the use of artificial neural networks to predict the price of a bulk carrier brings more accurate solutions than linear regression.
Keywords: bulk carrier, newbuilding price, cost estimation, gross tonnage, engine power, design, artificial neural networks, linear regression, approximation
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Surekha K. SATPUTE, Grażyna A. PŁAZA, Arun G. BANPURKA
Biosurfactants’ production from renewable natural resources: example of innovativeand smart technology in circular bioeconomy
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0007
Abstract: A strong developed bio-based industrial sector will significantly reduce dependency on fossil resources, help the countries meet climate change targets, and lead to greener and more environmental friendly growth. The key is to develop new technologies to sustainably transform renewable natural resources into bio-based products and biofuels. Biomass is a valuable resource and many parameters need to be taken in to account when assessing its use and the products made from its. The bioeconomy encompass the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed and bio-based products (chemicals, materials and fuels) via innovative and efficient technologies provided by industrial biotechnology. The paper presents the smart and efficient way to use the agroindustrial, dairy and food processing wastes for biosurfactant’s production. Clarification processes are mandatory to use the raw substrates for microbial growth as well as biosurfactant production for commercial purposes. At the same time it is very essential to retain the nutritional values of those cheap substrates. Broad industrial perspectives can be achieved when quality as well as the quantity of the biosurfactant is considered in great depth. Since substrates resulting from food processing, dairy, animal fat industries are not explored in great details; and hence are potential areas which can be explored thoroughly.
Keywords: bio-based industries, renewable natural resources, biosurfactants, innovation technology, bioeconomy
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Ecological growth boundaries
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0008
Abstract: The trends of the society for the continuous growth, combined with the demographic changes, today have led to the important ecological problems on a global scale, which include, among others: the increased use of non-renewable natural resources, an increase of the greenhouse gas emissions, contamination of soil, water, air and the progressive degradation of ecosystems. In the face of such serious threats the global initiatives of all countries are important to limit the results of the excessive consumption. The aim of the article is to present the methods of measurement of the consumption level of natural resources by the societies and the examination of relationships between the level of development of the societies and the use of resources. The popular measure – the ecological footprint – was used as a measurement method for the consumption of the today’s generations in relation to the regenerative possibilities of the natural environment. On the other hand, as the assessment method for the level of development of societies – the Human Development Index (HDI), including three basic areas: the life expectancy, GDP level per capita and education was used. The results of the research indicate that the current trend of the unlimited consumption of the highly developed countries takes place at the expense of the future generations.
Keywords: ecological footprint, human development index, sustainable development
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IT systems supporting the management of production capacity
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0009
Abstract: The paper presents the problem of manufacturing process flexibility in view of a company’s material and information flow stream management. The author of the article has described the functions of a production process control system and presented the characteristics of production capacity intensive and extensive reserves. The MRP II/ERP, MES and APS class IT tools supporting the process of production planning, organization and control have also been discussed.
Keywords: production control system, MRP, MES, APS, intensive and extensive reserves
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Petr KLOUDA, Vlastimil MONI, Jan BLATA, Lubomír DONÁT, František HELEBRANT
Degradation of the state of a ball track at the ZP 6600
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2017-0010
Abstract: The article deals with the examination of the state of the ball track of the heavy mining machine ZP6600/Z79. It gives results of material exams which were taken on given samples and describes the progress and results of the numerical computation of the state of tenseness by finite element method of the bottom part of the ball track when it touches the ball.
Keywords: ball track, sample, material exam, state of tenseness, contact tension
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