ISSN - 2391-9361
Volume 11, issue 1
Editors: Stefan Czerwiński, Agnieszka Czerwińska-Lubszczyk
Edition circulation: 130 copies
vol. 11, iss. 1/1
Marzena SMOLARSKA Why entrepreneurs need a trade secret?
Abstract: The article presents how to understand a trade secret and what are the benefits of its implementation. The main areas that an entrepreneur must take into account when deciding on solutions related to information security have also been defined. How important is the human being in the process and monitoring of implemented legal, organizational and technical solutions. What requirements must the information meet in order to be protected by a trade secret. The directions for proper information management of particular importance to the organization were also presented. The areas of monitoring the implemented solutions, such as audit, information classification or risk analysis, were indicated. The article also presents the areas that should be covered by internal regulations of trade secrets. It was analyzed what primarily determines the security of assets in the enterprise. Attention was also drawn to the need of proper management of information constituting a trade secret, as it has a crucial meaning in the practical functioning of the organization.
Key words: audit, risk analysis, security, information, integrity, availability, confidentiality, entrepreneur, business secret

vol. 11, iss. 1/2
Agnieszka CZERWIŃSKA-LUBSZCZYK Social Innovation – Case Study
Abstract: The aim of the study is to present a practical example in the field of social innovation. Social innovation can take the form of the implementation of an already known solution on the market, but in a new social context, as a more effective method and tool for solving problems for a specific social group, e.g. for the elderly. The study covered the association. The organization adopts social goals and at the same time operates in accordance with the rules typical of enterprises. It uses many sources of income. It conducts unpaid and paid public benefit activities and business activity. The presented practical example in the field of social innovation illustrates the example of rapid adaptation of the organization to the new socio-economic situation and, above all, to the rapid change in the needs. The research was carried out using the desk research method and telephone interviews.
Key words: social innovation, pandemic COVID-19, case study

vol. 11, iss. 1/3
Joachim KOZIOŁ The Need of Humanize of Technics
Abstract: The basic sociological categories related to the humanization of technology, such as: human needs, happiness, responsibility and voluntary restrictions were discussed. The influence of the humanization of technicians on the quality of life, the principle of sustainable welfare growth and the ecology of thinking were indicated. Attention was drawn to the destructive direction of human activities left to "himself".
Key words: technology, humanism, happiness, sustainable development, ecology of thinking

vol. 11, iss. 1/4
Andrzej CHMIELA The Processes of Restructuring and Revitalization of Mines that Are Put Into Liquidation
Abstract: Restructuring measures have been carried out in the Polish mining industry to adjust the industry to the market economy. The liquidation of the mine is the last and natural stage of mining activity. A decision to liquidate a mining plant may be issued as a result of the depletion of resources of exploited deposit, the unprofitability of mining in a particularly unfavorable mining and geological conditions and the expiry of a concession or excessive environmental degradation. As a result of the restructuring processes, the number of active hard coal mines significantly dropped. The activities related to the revitalization and restructuring of hard coal mines are carried out by Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A. as the legal successor of previous mining operations. The mine liquidation is complex and costly. Changes taking place in the mining environment cause interest in applying the concept of process management in the conducted activity. The publication presents the results of the research on the processes that occur while releasing the property of mining plants that are put into liquidation. According to the previous conclusions, proposals for possible changes of the process management system adapted to the specificity of mine liquidation were presented.
Key words: process management, restructuring of mining enterprises, liquidation of a hard coal mine

vol. 11, iss. 1/5
Rafał RYCHTER, Adam BOSOWSKI, Jarosław KONSEK Scraper Conveyor for Emergency Rescue Operation PRJZR-400
Abstract: The scraper conveyor is designed to be used in all places where there is a need to quickly reach the injured or prepare the scene for a proper emergency rescue operation, i.e. in mines, construction sites, in places of natural disasters such as earthquakes. The light and modular structure of the conveyor allows for quick transport of its individual elements to the final location, and the introduced universal design of the structure enables adaptable configuration, depending on the required length (max. 40m), or the supply medium – electric voltage, compressed air, water emulsion or water under suitable pressure. The conveyor is transported in special containers, which, thanks to their construction, can be transported on wheeled platforms or by suspended transport.
Key words: scraper conveyor, rescue works, transport

vol. 11, iss. 1/6
Marian PONIEWIERA Developing a Solution Algorithm of Aerotriangulation to Minimize the Influence of Used Map Projection – Project Assumptions
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to elaborate a technology to adjustment an aerotriangulation free of influence curvature of the earth and used map projection. Described technology is based on solving an aerotriangulation in three-dimensional geodetical topocentric system and then transformation to used co-ordinates system. Existing methods numerical elaboration of an aerotriangulation or net photogrammetric-geodetical was made in deformed three-dimensional space. The deformation results from entering to image coordinates corrections for curvature of the earth.
Key words: aerotriangulation, correction for earth curvature, coordinates systems

vol. 11, iss. 1/7
Maciej POMYKOŁ, Marian PONIEWIERA The Use of External Databases to Supplement Numerical Maps
Abstract: The article describes several possibilities of the CAD programs in the field of data import. In particular, it presents the issue of using the data which are available on the Internet in formats: WMS, WFS, SHP, ULDK, WKT, WKB. The consecutive steps of data import using the following software are presented: AutoCAD, BricsCAD, Geolisp, Curl. An example of an import from the website is given. The import of such data as: orthophotomaps, road maps, buildings, plots, topographic objects, borders, technical infrastructure of the area was discussed.
Key words: digital map, formats: WMS, WMTS, WFS, shapefile, ULDK, WKT, WKB

vol. 11, iss. 1/8
Jacek KORSKI MIKRUS low Longwall Compleks Development
Abstract: In article is described development of Mikrus low longwall system with special shearer with external chain haulage system. Previously designed in first decade of XXI century was one of trials of thin coal seams fully mechanized longwall extraction. Protype of this systems was implemented for tests in one of polish coal mine. After first trial in test longwall and faults analysis upgraded versions was implemented for next tests in this same mine but still without satisfying results. After few years improved Mikrus system was implemented in one of Chinese coal mines with very good results. In article is presented a background of fully mechanized thin coal seam extraction and way of Mikrus complex development.
Key words: longwall mining, thin coal seams extraction, shearer system, coal mining

vol. 11, iss. 1/9
Analysis of the Possibilities of Manufacturing Low-Pressure Valve Blocks Using 3D Printing Technology
Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the possibility of using 3D printing to produce low-pressure valve blocks. These blocks are used in a number of hydraulic systems and are used to mount several types of hydraulic elements in low-pressure branches of systems. The first part of the article presents the issues of designing valve blocks using the Hydrosym and Hydroman programs and the Creo Parametric 3.0 program. Next, the printing technologies that are used to print hydraulic elements are described, considering the range of their applications. The second part of the article presents an example of a low-pressure valve block, which was specially designed and printed in SLS technology. The scope of research included both the dimensional accuracy of the printed blocks and the examination of their strength properties. The obtained research results allowed to assess the possibility of printing blocks using SLS printing technology.
Key words: connecting plates and manifolds, 3D printing, hydraulic valves, rapid prototyping