ISSN - 2391-9361
Edition circulation: 130 copies
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vol. 6, iss. 8/1
Witold BIAŁY, Patrycja HĄBEK Development of R&D potential of enterprises with the use of eu funds, as a way supporting smart specialisation
Abstract: Smart specialization should contribute to the transformation of the national economy through its modernization, structural transformation, diversification of products and services and creating innovative socio-economic solutions supporting transformation towards resource-efficient economies, including natural resources. It is based on the use of unique natural resources of regions, connecting various branches, using innovative technological solutions. In the paper, there is presented how to effectively use EU funds to increase research and development potential, on the example of the automotive company. The authors attempt to analyse factors that affect the growth of research and development capital of a company and the way in which goals can be achieved. Conclusions from the analysis may be a guidance for the others (businesses), how the company is developing its research and development potential, while making the process of implementing innovations innovative, using the available EU funds.
Keywords: smart specializations, innovative solutions, obtaining funds, EU |
p. 9 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/2
Grażyna PŁAZA Safety management in food production to improve the product quality
Abstract: In this paper the new idea of safety management in food production is presented. Legal regulations on food production and food trade including legal regulation imposing the obligation to implement are described. The obligatory and non-obligatory food health safety and food quality management systems in the food industry are presented. Also the new idea based on the principles of risk analysis implementation and description of risk analysis elements such as risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, and connections between them. Article provides explanation of all important terms connected with risk analysis. Food safety management is to not only take care of the quality of the product in industry, but also ensure the maintenance of product safety at the time of consumption. In order to protect the health of the consumer in the world are increasingly set up Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP) (expressed for instance as a numbers of illnesses in a population per year). The current Risk Analysis, it is proposed that, when deemed appropriate, competent authorities can formulate a so-called Food Safety Objective (FSO). FSOs and POs (Performance Objective) are new concepts that have been introduced to further assist government and industry in communicating and complying with public health goals. A prominent part of the risk analysis is microbiological risk assessment (MRA), the process of assessing and characterising the risk posed by a hazard in a food within a certain population. The risk analysis as a new ways for food safety have been developed. Risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods is now a well-recognised and accepted approach within food safety risk management. In the future, according to circumstances and availability of data, the coexistence of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment is expected as well as the one of hazard and risk focused approaches to risk management.
Keywords: food safety, food safety management, risk assessment, microbiological hazards |
p. 27 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/3
Michał ZASADZIEŃ, Radosław WOLNIAK, Bożena SKOTNICKA-ZASADZIEŃ Process improvement of the production of plastic bags by using selected methods and tools of quality engineering
Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the manufacturing process of plastic bags using selected methods and tools of quality engineering such as: the FMEA method and the Ishikawa diagram. Based on the analysis conducted the most important of the problems which require preventive and improvement measures were identified. First, improvement and correction measures should be applied to the “bags sticking together and too little antiblock additive in the manufacturing process” and “lack of norms and regulations pertaining to the plastic foil’s technical parameters and the methods of their control” faults.
Keywords: extruder, improvement, process, quality, polyethylene |
p. 37 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/4
Jolanta IGNAC-NOWICKA Analysis of factors influencing air pollution in mining for perfecting gas safety systems
Abstract: The paper presents an attempt to analyze factors influencing air pollution in mining excavations, with particular consideration of the share of suspended monorails with self-drive. The sources of gaseous pollutants in mining excavations and conditions of their limitation are presented. In addition, trends in the development of underground transport in Polish hard coal mining are presented, taking into account the analysis of its quantitative share in relation to other solutions. The development trends for the coming years are presented on the example of strategic plans of selected mines of the Polish Mining Group.
Keywords: train with self-drive, gas pollution, gas safety systems |
p. 49 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/5
Katarzyna MIDOR Methods of increasing customer satisfaction in a production company
Abstract: Companies that wish to maintain their position in the market must constantly seek new ways of convincing their customers that the products or services they offer meet the customer’s quality expectations. One of the best ways to guarantee customer satisfaction is to ensure the highest quality of the services and products offered. Customer satisfaction surveys have significant benefits, the first of which is providing information, which allows for improvements to the products manufactured and services provided. Another positive aspect is showing the client their the manufacturer or service provider wants to know their opinion so as to better meet the needs. The article presents a method for conducting a customer satisfaction survey in a selected production company along with its results.
Keywords: customer satisfaction, improvement, quality, production company, survey |
p. 58 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/6
Bartosz SZCZĘŚNIAK Concept of microtools based on the relational data model used to support the process of nonconformity analysis for rolled products
Abstract: The aim of this article has been to propose a tool developed in accordance with a concept referred to as “Microtools based on the relational data model” used to support the process of nonconformity analysis for rolled products. The first part of the paper provides a discussion on the analysis itself, and individual types of reports created in the process have been identified. Based on a problem analysis, a specific data structure has been proposed for the tool in question. The entities identified within this structure have been characterised, and the links functioning between them have been illustrated using an adequate entity relationship diagram. Another section of the paper is focused on implementation of the entities in the tool in a spreadsheet, followed by presentation and discussion of selected examples of solutions applied for purposes of automatic generation of pre-defined reports. The target functionality assumed for the tool has been attained using built-in spreadsheet features without being forced to create a code in any programming language.
Keywords: business process improvement, relational data model, data base, spreadsheet, information process |
p. 72 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/7
Anna GEMBALSKA-KWIECIEŃ Advancement of processes supporting improvement of occupational health and safety management system in selected industrial company
Abstract: The article attempts to improve the Occupational Health and Safety management system in the Industrial Company to reduce the number of potential accidents, occupational diseases and accidents. These activities are meant to improve the work safety in every workstation. The paper presents improved actions, procedures and instructions so that the OHS management system was implemented in the Company.
Keywords: improvement of the safety management system, Occupational Health and Safety, accident at work, human factor |
p. 82 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/8
Beata SZCZERBA, Barbara BIAŁECKA Assessment and improvement of the information flow in complaints management on example of a manufacturing company
Abstract: This article indicates the key role played by information in manufacturing companies. The authors reviewed the definitions according to the DIKW hierarchy, which includes the following terms: data, information, knowledge, wisdom. A table summarizing the various spin of terms was developed. Based of it, was described the validity and outlines the characteristics that information should have. The flow of information in the complaints management process was discussed in detail in a selected example of a company from the automotive industry. There were also proposed improvements to that complaint management process described.
Keywords: information, data, complaint management |
p. 90 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/9
Jacek SITKO Analysis and improvement of the metallurgical production process based on manufacturing engineering tools
Abstract: The effectiveness of industrial systems is one of the most important factors in the organization of production in a steel plant. Specifies the internal production capabilities of the steelworks. Efficiency can be defined as a measure of the potential for a maximum number of products that correspond to well-defined quality standards, using optimal production factors and using the best production methods. The second part of the article is devoted to problems of market supply of metallurgical products. A comprehensive view of supply processes is discussed.
Keywords: planning, industry, mils, ecology, environmental |
p. 101 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/10
Monika STĘPIEŃ, Barbara BIAŁECKA Stocktaking of innovative energy waste recyckling technologies
Abstract: The purpose of this article is an inventory of innovative technologies for the recovery of energy waste – waste from the processes of combustion of fuels and technologies used for flue gas desulphurisation in power plants and/or electrical power and heating plants. A large amount of waste is still deposited in landfills or stored (annually even 40% approx.), which exposes them to loss their properties and thus – limits their possible future development in the industry. Industries such as mining, construction and road construction have used the raw material potential of energy waste for many years. However, with the advancement of technology, more innovative forms and possibilities of using energy waste arise, and finding new and newer directions of their development becomes necessary. Thanks to new technologies used in the fuel combustion process (enforced by legal regulations and environmental exacerbations), the generated waste will gain new properties. This will allow them to be better developed in such industries as agriculture, nanomaterials or environmental protection, where the share of all generated energy waste has so far been only about 10%, and used in other industries.
Keywords: energy waste, CCPs, fly ashes, microspheres, slags, recycling, innovative technologies |
p. 108 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/11
Krzysztof MICHALSKI, Jacek SITKO, Damian KONIECZNY Analysis and improvement of chemical composition of metal for improvement of car supply characteristics
Abstract: Some of the fuses produced by Tenneco Automotive undergo rapid corrosion. Muffler components are supplied in the form of pipes made of ferritic steel X2CrTi12 (1.4512). Pipes come from two sources. The chemical composition tests showed differences in the composition of the alloys used to make the pipes. The paper presents the process of analysis of chemical composition of sheet metal for the purpose of improving the performance characteristics of automotive parts, such as silencers. The influence of the alloying element – titanium on the occurrence and the course of the corrosion process in high alloy steels – stainless steel, where welded joints were studied was also investigated.
Keywords: stainless steel, titanium, microstructure, corrosion |
p. 124 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/12
Michał MOLENDA Use of selected quality engineering tools for improvement of plastic forming of metals in chosen industrial company
Abstract: The article presents the process of using selected quality engineering tools for analysis and solving problems of the machining process – die forging in one of the selected bearings factories in Poland. The first part of this article, the production process of bearing rings in the factory was described using a flowchart. Analysis of the defect structure of the forging process is another part of this study. The defect analysis was depicted in the Pareto- Lorenz graph. Causes of critical defects were identified using the Ishikawa Diagrams. Thanks of it the recommendations were formulated to correct the die forging process in the researched company.
Keywords: quality, quality improvement, quality engineering |
p. 134 |
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vol. 6, iss. 8/13
Paulina RASZEWSKA, Mariusz J. LIGARSKI Analysis of the causes of glass products defects using quality tools on the example of glassworks
Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of the defects of glass products on the example of glass. The data obtained for work on the basis of research conducted in the period of two months in the selected glassworks. The possibilities of using quality tools, which are the Pareto-Lorenz diagram and the Ishikawa diagram, are presented. Defective product sheets have been developed and key defects have been identified. The cause of the defects was identified and proposed ways to eliminate them.
Keywords: defectiveness, glass products, Pareto-Lorenz diagram, Ishikawa diagram |
p. 145 |