Hajar Haddouch / Khadija Fath / Mohamed El Oumami / Zitouni Beidouri
Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Supply Chain Management Practices in the Moroccan Companies
Anzhela Cherchata / Iryna Popovychenko / Uliana Andrusiv / Viktoriia Gryn / Nadiia Shevchenko / Oleksandr Shkuropatskyi
Innovations in Logistics Management as a Direction for Improving the Logistics Activities of Enterprises

Tiya Katrilia / P.W. Anggoro / P.K. Dewa Sp.
Optimization of Innovation Features in Mobile-Based Attendance Application

Halyna I. Kupalova / Tatyana M. Artyukh / Liudmyla M. Bukharina / Nataliia V. Goncharenkо / Kateryna A. Demіanenko
Assessment of Competitiveness of Confectionery Enterprises for the Needs of Ecological Management

Viktor Popov / Tatyana Alexandrova / Aleksandr Gershanok / Elena Borshchevskaya
Integrative Approach to Implementing Labor Productivity Projects in Large Industrial Companies Operating on the Territory of the Perm Krai of the Russian Federation

Bożena Gajdzik
Key Directions in Changes from Steelworks 3.0 to Steelworks 4.0 with Analysis of Selected Technologies of Digitalizing the Steel Industry in Poland

Andrea Sütőová / Ferdinand Kóča
Corporate Social Responsibility Standards: Is it Possible to Meet Diverse Customer Requirements?

Serhii Matkivskyi / Oleksandr Burachok
Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity on the Control of Water Encroachment into Gas-Condensate Reservoirs during CO2 Injection

Yury Nikitin / Pavol Božek / Alexander Turygin
Vibration Diagnostics of Spiroid Gear

Thi Kim Lien Nguyen / Xuan-Huynh Nguyen / Hong V. Pham
An Application of the Negative Malmquist Model for Vietnamese Garment and Textiles Industry

Tran Thi Thanh Nga / The Hoang Vy / Khanh Duy Pham
The Effect of Business Strategy on R&D Expenditure and Firm Performance – Evidence from Taiwan
Marek Krynke / Tatiana N. Ivanova / Nicolay F. Revenko
Factors, Increasing the Efficiency of Work of Maintenance, Repair and Operation Units of Industrial Enterprises