Lubomyr Poberezhny, Ihor Chudyk, Andrii Hrytsanchuk, Oleg Mandryk, Tetyana Kalyn, Halyna Hrytsuliak and Yaroslav Yakymechko
Influence of Hydrate Formation and Concentration of Salts on the Corrosion of Steel 20 Pipelines
Jozef Krilek, Tomáš Kuvik, Ján Kováč and Ján Melicherčík
Research on the Side Deflection of the Saw Band of a Joinery Band Saw Influenced by the Selected Technical and Technological Factors

Ladislav Karrach and Elena Pivarčiová
Recognition of Data Matrix Codes in Images and their Applications in Production Processes

Mária Hrčková, Pavol Koleda and Peter Koleda
Measuring and Analysis Colour of Birch Wood in Digital Picture

Oleh Mandryk, Volodymyr Artym, Mariana Shtohry and Valerii Zaytsev
Scientific Rationale for the Movable Pipeline Technology for Transporting CNG by Sea

Oleksandr Ivanov, Pavlo Prysyazhnyuk, Dmytro Lutsak, Oleh Matviienkiv and Vicktor Aulin
Improvement of Abrasion Resistance of Production Equipment Wear Parts by Hardfacing with Flux-Cored Wires Containing Boron Carbide/Metal Powder Reaction Mixtures

Miroslav Dado, Anna Lamperová, Luboš Kotek and Richard Hnilica
An Evaluation of On-Tool System for Sanding Dust Collection: Pilot Study

Andriy Dzhus, Ruslan Rachkevych, Andriy Andrusyak, Iryna Rachkevych, Oleksandr Hryhoruk and Serhii Kasatkin
Evaluation the Stress-Strain State of Pumping Equipment in the Curvilinear Sections of the Wells

Marián Kučera, Silvia Kopčanová and Marie Sejkorová
Lubricant Analysis as the Most Useful Tool in the Proactive Maintenance Philosophies of Machinery and its Components

Volodymyr Grudz, Yaroslav Grudz, Vasyl Zapukhliak, Ihor Chudyk, Lubomyr Poberezhny, Nazar Slobodyan and Vitaliy Bodnar
Optimal Gas Transport Management Taking into Account Reliability Factor
