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W. Dorozińska, M. Gawron, P. Stańko, N. Stępień, P. Świstak, H.Y. Ji
The development of the market of the production of solar in Poland and selected EU countries in the years 2009-2014 - comparative analisys 
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-04-01-2016
Abstract: The paper discusses issues related to the development of solar energy production in Poland and selected EU countries in the years 2009-2014. The analysis of data concerning the production of solar energy in Poland and selected EU countries is presented as well as the strategic goals of the Union in respect the development of the ‘solar energy industry’. The article discusses the benefits and costs of the transformation of energy engineering and development of the production of solar energy, which is one of the most widespread and popular technologies of the production of energy from renew- able resources in view of environment protection or reduction of the costs of energy consumption. 
Key words: ecology, renewable energy resources, production of solar energy, development, transformation

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