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ISSN - 2391-9361


Volume 13, issue 1




vol. 13, iss. 1/1


Andrzej Marek LASOTA
Ergonomic analysis of palletizing based on digital human modeling

Abstract: Many goods are packed and delivered to recipients on pallets. In small and medium- sized enterprises, manual palletizing operations are still common in both the distribution and manufacturing industries. They are associated with potential problems related to poor postural ergonomics and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The article presents an ergonomic analysis of palletizing. The study used modeling and simulation. The analysis showed that significant benefits could be achieved in terms of palletizing time, reduction of physical workload and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Practitioners should take note of the article's findings that the benefits of properly adjusting the height of the work plane can provide better performance and reduce ergonomic risks.

Keywords: ergonomics, risk, OWAS, Digital Human Modeling



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