ISSN - 2391-9361
Volume 13, issue 1
vol. 13, iss. 1/1
Andrzej Marek LASOTA Ergonomic analysis of palletizing based on digital human modeling
Abstract: Many goods are packed and delivered to recipients on pallets. In small and medium- sized enterprises, manual palletizing operations are still common in both the distribution and manufacturing industries. They are associated with potential problems related to poor postural ergonomics and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The article presents an ergonomic analysis of palletizing. The study used modeling and simulation. The analysis showed that significant benefits could be achieved in terms of palletizing time, reduction of physical workload and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Practitioners should take note of the article's findings that the benefits of properly adjusting the height of the work plane can provide better performance and reduce ergonomic risks.
Keywords: ergonomics, risk, OWAS, Digital Human Modeling

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vol. 13, iss. 1/2
Elena PIVARČIOVÁ, Ivan KURIC, Maroš SOLDÁN Development, research and design of a diagnostic system for measuring the course of temperatures, vibrations and noise
Abstract: The development of scientific and technical progress in measuring and microprocessor technology, advances in artificial intelligence methods give impetus to the development of technical diagnostics of mechatronic systems. In mechatronic systems, electrical drives are based on asynchronous motors, DC motors, synchronous and stepper motors, and mechanical drives are based on gearboxes. Failure of motors and gearboxes leads to equipment shutdown, continuous production and financial losses of the company. Therefore, tools are needed to monitor the current status of devices.
Keywords: diagnostic system, DC motors, actuators, robot
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vol. 13, iss. 1/3
Łukasz BOŁOZ Efficient machine design using Autodesk Inventor's "i" feature
Abstract: CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs are the basic tool for the mechanical designer of all types of machines and devices. These programs primarily allow for 3D design and the creation of technical documentation related to the model. Designing in 3D allows to create elements and assemblies while verifying many physical and functional features of the project and eliminating errors such as geometric collisions. During design, it is not uncommon to encounter repeating, similar elements. These may be fragments of a single part, entire parts or even assemblies. To meet the needs of designers, CAD programs have functions that facilitate design automation, including the creation of families of parts and assemblies as well as series of types. Autodesk Inventor Professional includes several tools like iFeature, iPart, iMate, iAssembly, iLogic and iCopy, which significantly facilitate and accelerate design. The article presents, using selected examples, the practical use of the "i" function of Autodesk Inventor Professional in the design of machines and devices.
Keywords: CAD, CAE, parametric design, iLogic, Autodesk Inventor, automated design
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vol. 13, iss. 1/4
Piotr HORAJSKI Cold Forming of Steel – Selected Processes, Issues, and CAx
Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the key challenges and irregularities associated with metal plastic deformation processes, with particular emphasis on phenomena such as springback, wrinkling, folding, cracking, microcracking, and burr formation. These undesirable effects can negatively impact the quality of final products and their mechanical properties, as well as the durability of tools used in processes such as bending, stamping, spinning, and cutting. The paper discusses the mechanisms leading to the formation of these defects, highlighting the role of process conditions, such as stress, processing speed, and tool geometry, which can cause technological issues. It also emphasizes the significance of tool wear, particularly in cutting processes, where abrasive, adhesive, and fatigue wear can lead to burr formation and deterioration in the quality of cut components. The study further explores methods to minimize these defects through process parameter optimization and proper tool design. Special attention is given to the use of numerical tools, such as the finite element method (FEM), which enables precise modeling of stress and strain distributions and the prediction of potential defect locations. Advanced simulations allow for improved prediction of issues like cracking, wrinkling, and springback, which ultimately enhances the quality of deformation processes and final products. The paper also highlights the need for further research in plastic deformation and the development of numerical models, particularly in the context of accounting for microstructural changes and residual stresses in materials.
Keywords: plastic forming, numerical analysis, FEM, spinning, bending, cutting, drawing
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vol. 13, iss. 1/5
Jolanta IGNAC-NOWICKA Research on factors affecting the quality of life in cities on the example of Zabrze – analysis of threats and opportunities
Abstract: The article addresses the problem of poor air quality in the city of Zabrze. A brief analysis of pilot studies from 2018 in Zabrze was made, within which measurements of gaseous air pollutants from low emissions were performed in the winter season and surveys were conducted among the city's residents. The surveys revealed the opinions of residents, among others, on: the noticeable health effects of poor air quality and the causes of air pollution in the city. Then, the pro-ecological actions taken in the Zabrze commune in the years 2018-2024 were analyzed. In addition, an analysis of opportunities and threats to the idea: clean air for the residents of Zabrze was made. The analysis was performed using the SWOT method, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the actions taken currently and potential opportunities and threats in the context of future actions.
Keywords: air pollution, quality of life in cities, air quality monitoring, SWOT analysis
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vol. 13, iss. 1/6
Łukasz BOŁOZ Analytical dynamic model of a longwall shearer with a chain haulage system
Abstract: Despite the pro-ecological policy, hard coal still is and for a long time will remain a valuable major source of energy in the world. It is usually found in the form of seams in underground mines. For many years, thin coal seams have been exploited on an increasingly large scale, therefore mines and machine manufacturers are looking for new, effective and safe methods of extraction. One of such methods is the use of a longwall system with a single-head shearer. This solution has been briefly described in the article, with special focus placed on the proprietary dynamic model of a longwall shearer with a chain haulage system. The model concerns a chain-hauled single-head shearer, but can be used to simulate coal ploughs, and to a certain extent, scraper and belt conveyors. There are models in the literature in which the chain is replaced by point masses. In the discussed model, the chain segments have been described as a continuously distributed mass, the value of which changes as the shearer travels along the wall. The shearer has been modelled as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom, placed on elastic skids. The load from cutting, loading and movement resistance has been taken into account in the model. The mathematical model has been saved in the form of scripts in Matlab. The set of scripts allows obtaining information about the behaviour of the shearer and the load on important structural nodes such as skids, chain and loaders fasteners or the driving shaft of the cutting head. The results also enable determining the power demand of the motors as well as calculating the required initial tension of the chain. The fully parametric model makes it possible to analyse the influence of a change in the values of significant parameters of the longwall working, drive units and shearer. This information is crucial at the stage of design construction and verification, which allows avoiding many errors in the prototype.
Keywords: machine dynamics, model tests, simulation tests, single-head shearer, chain haulage system, dynamic model, longwall shearer