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M. Drzewiecka, A. Stachowiak
The framework of an expert system supporting quality management
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-01-04-2014

Abstract: The current market conditions have led to the situation in which the companies operate in an environment in which having a certificate of quality management system is insufficient to ensure and guarantee customers’ satisfaction on one hand, and effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented pro-quality system on the other. Activities related to the identification and assessment of non-compliance are extremely important and critical in terms of achieving the desired objectives of quality management. Due to the numerous difficulties associated with these activities and the limited use of traditional methods and support tools in this regard, the authors developed the concept of the expert system in the following article. The aim of the system is to ensure effective supervision of all non-compliances arising in the operation of any organization that intends to improve the quality management systems.
Key words: quality management system, improvement, expert system
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