A. Pradela
Model of cooperation of the system of education for industry—conceptual framework for educational claster
DOI 10.12914/MSPE-04-01-2014
Abstract: Education of staff for industry in Poland is carried out in vocational education system in schools, responsible for education of qualified workers and in system of technical universities, responsible for engineering education. This article concentrates on aspects of education of qualified workers. There is presented model of cooperation institution responsible for vocational education for industry on the basis of concept of educational cluster. The first part of the article describes aims and determinants of cluster formulation. The second – model of structure of educational cluster, particularly: stakeholders of cluster (potential participants of cluster), scope of cooperation, information flows and stakeholders’ activities. The last part of article discusses possibilities of implementation the model: (a) by creation educational strategies and (b) by caring out projects concentrated on particular problem.
Key words: education of staff, clusters, educational management, educational strategies
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