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A. Andrykiewicz, J. Słonimiec, T. Łagutko, I. Kolar
Ecolabelling as an instrument of environmentally friendly stimulation of demand forconsumer products market
Abstract: The work includes the issue of ECO-LABEL AWARD impact on consumer choices in Germany and Poland. It contains both the story of the founding ecolabelling and its functions. In the next part of the work it was contracted an issue of organic product. A very important and more widespread phenomenon, is the phenomenon of greenwashing, which is falsely use of environmental labels to increase sale. Fight or reduce this phenomenon is related to the criteria of giving eco-labels, which are described later in this work. The rest of the work is linked to survey research. Research related to the knowledge of environmental labels have been carried out in the first quarter of this year among to the students of the University of Zielona Góra and Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel. This survey concerned not only the knowledge of eco-labels but also the amount of money that are spent on shopping. The results found, that Polish students attach a lesser role in shopping elections to the environmental issue than German students.
Key words: ecolabelling, ecological demand, ecological products, market of ecological products
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