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A. Andrykiewicz, J. Słonimiec, T. Łagutko, I. Kolar
Ecolabelling as an instrument of environmentally friendly stimulation of demand forconsumer products market
Abstract: The work includes the issue of ECO-LABEL AWARD impact on consumer choices in Germany and Poland. It contains both the story of the founding ecolabelling and its functions. In the next part of the work it was contracted an issue of organic product. A very important and more widespread phenomenon, is the phenomenon of greenwashing, which is falsely use of environmental labels to increase sale. Fight or reduce this phenomenon is related to the criteria of giving eco-labels, which are described later in this work. The rest of the work is linked to survey research. Research related to the knowledge of environmental labels have been carried out in the first quarter of this year among to the students of the University of Zielona Góra and Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel. This survey concerned not only the knowledge of eco-labels but also the amount of money that are spent on shopping. The results found, that Polish students attach a lesser role in shopping elections to the environmental issue than German students.
Key words: ecolabelling, ecological demand, ecological products, market of ecological products
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V. Nordin, Y. Mikhalskaya
Conformity assessment differentiation in the automobile field

Abstract: Assessment differentiation at the certification of goods and services propose it division only into two groups “conforming” or “nonconforming” applied in Russia. However it’s not enough at aspiration to quality improvement both for the consumer and for the producer. An approach to the more differentiated conformity assessment by establishing it levels with quantitative definition of their quantities is considered in the article.
Key words: trucking, conformity assessment, certyfikation
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Z. Matuszak
Notes on research of marine infrasound in floating objects

Abstract: The effect of infrasound on human body is characterized in general. The basic sources of infrasound are indicated. A summary of recent research papers on clinical effects of vibration frequency below 20 Hz on human body is presented.
Key words: ultrasounds, studies, the human body
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P. Urban
Solution of geomechanical phenomena on the point of contact of rock and gas in the Ostrava-Karvina coal mines
Abstract: The paper performs the analysis of gas and coal outbursts phenomena in the mines in the area of Ostrava-Karvina (OKR) basin. It deals with evolution of outbursts possibilities and new trends determination of criteria prediction indicators on Paskov mine in OKR. Mainly it deals with criteria from aspects continuous prognosis of sudden outbursts in mining area.
Key words: ejection of coal and gas, measurements, forecasts of explosion
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J. Boron-Kaszycka
The influence of integrated management systems on economic efficiency – case study

Abstract: Economic efficiency requires from the particular company to bear the smallest costs and to produce a proper production .This article presents costs’ reduction of the operations as a result of  introduction of integrated management system. It has been presented  as a case study of a productive company.
Key words: economic effectiveness, the reduction of company’s costs’ methods, the influence of integrated management systems
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E. Kamińska, J. Merkisz
Automotive  recycling lead acid batteries - environmental aspect

Abstract: The  authors analyzed  methods, in terms of their use in determining the environmental burdens of recycling used automotive lead acid batteries. Described below the method (LCA), and characterized the recycling technology used by one of Polish companies, which is planned to analyze.
Key words: recycling, lead-acid batteries, ecobilans, lead, environmental pollution
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J. Sitko
Selected causes of defects in product design and methods of their department in repair-production
Abstract: This article presents some factors affecting the number of faulty elements steel structures used in transport vehicles. We analyzed articles from the years 2007-2009 produced by the existing facility renovation and production. In the finding a number of ways curbing the influence of analysed causes on coming into existence defects in structural products was suggested.
Key words: defect, construction, steel, cost
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