ISSN - 2391-9361
Volume 12, issue 2
vol. 12, iss. 2/1
Andrzej Marek LASOTA Ergonomic Risk Analysis Based on the Operator's Work Cycle - a Case Study
Abstract: Workers are an essential part of the production system and perform a variety of jobs and tasks. The work performed by operators is accompanied by an ergonomic risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs are still common phenomenon in industry. And MSDs lead to disruptions in production processes, sickness absence and additional costs for businesses. The article presents an ergonomic risk analysis of operator exposure to MSDs based on a case study. The OWAS method was used for risk assessment. The evaluation was performed at the sheet metal punching station. The task was repetitive and characterized by the operator's work cycle. The results showed that the operator spends more than 28% of the effective working time in harmful and very harmful working postures, with a high and very high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders. Recommendations were formulated, including changes in the layout of the workplace, training employees on the principles of ergonomics and correct working postures.
Keywords: ergonomics, risk, OWAS, work cycle

vol. 12, iss. 2/2
Łukasz BOŁOZ Support system for articulated drilling rigs stability evaluation
Abstract: Underground mining machines, such as wheel-tyre drilling rigs, are articulated and equipped with booms that project far beyond the undercarriage. Such a structure makes these machines prone to lose stability. Hence, it is necessary to analyse the distribution of masses and geometry as well as their broadly understood stability during the entire design process, taking into account many factors resulting from the manner and conditions of their operation. However, there are no ap-propriate computational models that would enable carrying out analytical tests for machines with this kind of construction. The article presents the author's support system which allows a quick assessment of the stability of single- and twin-boom drilling rigs. The model makes it possible to perform analyses without having to solve differential equations present in dynamic models or using model studies based on CAD/CAE tools. The developed computational model was verified by comparing the obtained results with the results of the full dynamic model, the results of model tests carried out in the CAD/CAE program and the results of empirical tests of wheel and jack pressures on the ground for the selected drilling rig. Based on the verification and validation of this model, it was found to be fully correct and useful. The model was used to prepare a practical and user-friendly calculation sheet. Next, analytical tests of the stability of the selected drilling rig were carried out. The computational model and the spreadsheet provide handy tools used during the design process by one of the Polish companies producing drilling rigs.
Keywords: stability of drilling rigs, drilling rig dynamics, model tests, dynamic model, physical model, mathematical model, simulation tests, CAD/CAE tools

vol. 12, iss. 2/3
Kamil WAWRZYNIAK, Grzegorz LIGAJ, Bartłomiej WIÓRA, Sandra ZIELIŃSKA, Sylwia BALUTA Technologies in drying of meat products
Abstract: Snacks have become an integral part of the population's diet, allowing for quick satisfaction of hunger between meals. While traditional snacks, such as potato chips are still ubiquitous and popular around the world, healthier alternatives such as meat snacks are increasingly being sought. Drying is one of the oldest food preservation techniques. The most common drying techniques includes sun and hot air drying and are still used on a commercial scale. However, these processes are often slow, unprofitable and have a negative impact on the final quality of the product. For this reason, new raw material pre-treatment technologies are introduced and key drying parameters are modified in order to optimize the entire process. This review characterizes dried meat in terms of nutritional value and summarizes commonly used techniques for the production of this type of products. Tarczyński S.A., a leader on the Polish market in the meat industry, has developed a new, highly effective technology for drying and producing meat snacks of various shapes, which is in line with the trend of modern on-the-go food products.
Keywords: dried meat, drying techniques, drying parameters, health benefits of meat, meat snacks

vol. 12, iss. 2/4
Robert SZUDY, Marek SOŁTYSIK, Bożena GAJDZIK The method of influencing the homogeneity of the chemical composition of the zinc-lead sinter in the real system
Abstract: The purpose of the conducted research was to determine the relationship occurring between the operation of the sintering department's holding tank and the homogeneity of the chemical composition of the produced sinter. The considered part of the process line is part of the Imperial Smelting Process, using which zinc and lead are mainly produced. The chemical composition of the sinter is important in the next production stage, which is the reduction process in the shaft furnace. The defined technological problem was the uneven dispensing of material onto the collecting belt. The unevenness in material dosing is not compensated for in the subsequent stages of mixture preparation before the sintering process, that is, agglomeration in drum mixers. This translates into unstable chemical analyses of the intermediate product, which is sinter. The main objective of the modification introduced was to use the simplest possible solutions to avoid costly equipment and complex control systems. After modification of the material dosage method, a change in the homogeneity of the obtained chemical analyses was determined. The implementation of the study focused on elements such as calcium, magnesium and silicon. The research was carried out as part of an ongoing implementation doctorate at the Zinc Smelter "Miasteczko Ślaskie".
Keywords: chemical compositions, sinter, ISP proces, proces modification

vol. 12, iss. 2/5
Pavol BOŽEK, Elena PIVARČIOVÁ Development of Control System of Mobile Robot With Differential Drive
Abstract: Currently, the topic of automation of logistic processes in warehouses is relevant. The article considers a control system of high level for a mobile robot with a differential drive with a maximum payload of 200 kg with motion simulation in the Matlab Simulink software product. Optimal control of drives based on brushless DC motors at the lower level has been developed. The transient time of low level control system is 1.067 seconds. The mobile robot control system in the minimum version consists of ten ultrasonic distance sensors located along the perimeter of the mobile robot body and of eight contrast band sensors.
Keywords: mobile robot, automation, control system, simulation
vol. 12, iss. 2/6
Juraj RUŽBARSKÝ, Tibor KRENICKÝ, Jozef MAŠČENÍK, Tomáš CORANIČ Options for Solutions of the Inlet System Into the Mold
Abstract: The presented contribution points out the possibilities of solving the inlet system, as one of the important factors influencing the final quality of the castings. Due to its design and function, the sprue system influences the process of filling the mold cavity. With the correct design of the sprue system, we achieve the continuity of filling the mold cavity and the elimination of qualitative and quantitative errors caused by non-observance of basic principles in the design of sprue systems. When conducting the experiments, we monitored the mold inlet system, modeling the process of filling the mold cavity and the speed of the liquid metal in the notch and the mold cavity. The results of the experiments show that the speed of the liquid metal when filling the mold is approximately half of the calculated theoretical value.
Keywords: pressure casting, mold construction, inlet system, pressure
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vol. 12, iss. 2/7
Mateusz TOMASZEWSKI, Jerzy WOJEWÓDKA About the aesthetics of space objects
Abstract: The curiosity that has accompanied man since birth is an extraordinary force that drives humanity forward. It is what generates the peculiar need to discover the unknown. The great geographical discoveries are in the past, and what is waiting to be discovered is the cosmos. In order to do so, mankind will have to make use of facilities that allow it to move through space that are extremely dangerous for humans. This article reviews selected issues concerning spacecraft and their aesthetics, and what influences the final form of such objects. The written discussion examines the bold visions portrayed in pop culture, as well as information that may influence the formal solutions adopted for spacecraft in the future.
Keywords: space, spaceship, capsule, solar sail, future
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vol. 12, iss. 2/8
Barbara SOLECKA The Magic of Light
Abstract: Light plays a fundamental role in our lives. It provides us with information not only about our surroundings, but, above all, thanks to it we learn about the world and, these days, even the distant universe. Thanks to modern astronomical tools we have the cosmos at our "fingertips". The observed lights reach us from many celestial bodies such as stars, nebulae, galaxies. By analyzing the parameters of the spectrum, electromagnetic waves provide us with a lot of information about their structure, functioning, processes that occur in them. This publication, introduces the reader to what the basic spectral analysis of light is. How the temperature of celestial bodies and their chemical composition are determined. It also mentions what are the modern tools of optical astronomical observations, which provide astronomers with increasingly detailed information from the distant cosmos and unique images.
Keywords: photometry, spectrometry, cosmos
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vol. 12, iss. 2/9
Andrzej WIECZOREK Methods of Spatial Data Collection and Analyzing for Computer Aided Exploitation of Technical Means by Seniors – Bibliography Study and Possibilities of Application
Abstract: An increasing number of exploiters (users and maintainers) of technical means requires taking action aimed at providing such people with appropriate living space, including in the workplace, which will be adapted to their needs and in which these means will fulfill their tasks in accordance with their intended use. The aim, as a result of which these activities are undertaken, should be to ensure appropriate conditions for functioning in the space in question. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods and techniques for assessing the quality of life that will enable the collection, processing and analysis of spatial data. This need prompted the author to review in the literature model solutions in the discussed area, taking into account the aspect of space, and to propose a concept of using the above-mentioned methods in improving the quality of life of the older people.
Keywords: quality of life, older persons, management, exploitation, maintenance, computer support
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vol. 12, iss. 2/10
Tomasz ŁAGUTKO, Arkadiusz ZAGAJEWSKI, Zbigniew BINEK, Radosław MOTYKIEWICZ-JANIAK, Adam KOŃCZAK Impact of e-commerce on Industry 4.0
Abstract: An increasing number of exploiters (users and maintainers) of technical means requires taking action aimed at providing such people with appropriate living space, including in the workplace, which will be adapted to their needs and in which these means will fulfill their tasks in accordance with their intended use. The aim, as a result of which these activities are undertaken, should be to ensure appropriate conditions for functioning in the space in question. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods and techniques for assessing the quality of life that will enable the collection, processing and analysis of spatial data. This need prompted the author to review in the literature model solutions in the discussed area, taking into account the aspect of space, and to propose a concept of using the above-mentioned methods in improving the quality of life of the older people.
Keywords: e-commerce, Industry 4.0, logistics, marketplace
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vol. 12, iss. 2/11
Tomáš CORANIČ, Juraj RUŽBARSKÝ, Tibor KRENICKÝ, Jozef MAŠČENIK Design of Self-leveling Table for FFF Additive Technology
Abstract: The presented paper describes the conceptual design of a worktable intended mainly for use in combination with FFF additive technologies, calibrated using a gyroscope and accelerometer. The proposed system is based on a programmable Arduino platform that operates with three digital servomotors and a mechanical gyroscope. In the introduction, the theoretical assumptions, and definitions of basic concepts such as a gyroscope, electric motor, and RC servomotor are described. Subsequently, the contribution is devoted to the selection of suitable components, the schematic connection, and the design itself in the Autodesk Inventor program. In the conclusion, the anticipated benefits of using the technical solution when applied in FFF additive technologies are described.
Keywords: additive technologies, calibration, arduino, structural design
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vol. 12, iss. 2/12
Stanisław MIKUŁA, Jarosław MIKUŁA, Stanisław SZWEDA, Marek SZYGUŁA Devices improving the installation of bolted joints in the friction joints of steel arch supports
Abstract: Elements of flexible steel support for gallery workings, commonly used in the Polish coal mining industry, are frictionally coupled with stirrups equipped with bolted joints. The required load-bearing capacity and flexibility of the working lining support are achieved by uniform tightening of the double bolted connection of each stirrup with the required final tightening torque. The alternate currently used, sequential tightening of the nuts with hand spanners or bolting machines, despite the required tightening torque being achieved, results in an asymmetric frictional coupling of the steel support sections being joined. The article describes a device that speeds up the installation of stirrups, but mainly allows both stirrup bolts to be tightened simultaneously with the required final tightening torque. The use of the device guarantees a reproducible load-bearing capacity for the successive connections of the steel support sections.
Keywords: gallery working, steel arch support, friction joint, screw joint, bolting machine
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vol. 12, iss. 2/13
Beata GRYNKIEWICZ-BYLINA, Bożena RAKWIC Determination the indicators of precision for test methods of colour fastness textile materials
Abstract: Quality assurance of tests results is a complex process that requires the use of many statistical tools by accredited research laboratories, including those used to assess the results of interlaboratory comparisons. The article presents a method for determining indicators of precision for test methods, which are among the basic parameters of their validation process. The approach was presented on the example of interlaboratory comparisons regarding the methods of testing colour fastness textile materials to water and perspiration. Formal requirements for assessing the results of interlaboratory comparisons were discussed. The indicators obtained based on the comparison results can be used to monitor the conduct of tests, confirm competences and identify possible irregularities.
Keywords: quality assurance of tests, interlaboratory comparisons, validation of test method, precision
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vol. 12, iss. 2/14
Dominik BAŁAGA, Piotr CHONDROKOSTAS, Bartłomiej JANIK, Marek KALITA, Piotr KRAWCZYK, Zbigniew KUCZERA, Marek OBRĘBSKI, Michał SIEGMUND, Zbigniew SZKUDLAREK, Stanisław SZWEDA, Piotr ŻYCZKOWSKI Funkcjonalność urządzenia odbierającego zabrudzenia, wspomagającego proces czyszczenia w strefie niebezpiecznej
Abstract: A mechanization development of mining of mineral resources, processing of agricultural products and a production of chemicals in a form of mixtures of various solids, subjected to crushing, grinding, screening and mixing processes, requires an appropriate adaptation of measures to control dust hazards according to technological and technical changes that take place. This is particularly important when customers set high products requirements, for example: as regards the moisture content. Such a condition eliminates a possibility of controlling dust hazards using wet methods, since a presence of water in the technological process is an unfavourable factor. In the first place, this problem is noticeable in the plants extracting mineral resources such as sulphur, metal ores, lignite and hard coal, as well as in the industrial plants using technological extraction of gases and hazardous dust. Dust control is particularly important in the case of the dust deposited in a hazardous area. Since, in real-world conditions, dust settles not only on the ground, but also on all walls and installations in a facility, creating a potential source of fire hazard. The article describes functional requirements for dust collection devices supporting the cleaning process of facilities in the hazardous areas. It presents the results of tests verifying these functional requirements for the dust collection device, using the dry method, in which a pulsed automatic filter cartridge regeneration system is applied. The dual-functionality of the device makes it possible to pre-collect settled dust from machinery and construction infrastructure, as well as to extract dirt resulting from the use of various cleaning techniques enabling to remove solid dirt from surfaces (e.g.: using dry ice cleaning technology, compressed air). The discussed technical solution and the results of bench tests support the conclusion that the collection device effectively and safely removes volatile and settled dusts that can generate explosive mixtures.
Keywords: dust removal, dirt collection, facility cleaning, hazardous area