P. Foitová Dernerová, M. Mikoláš
Grants for Ph.D. students on VSB-Technical University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic
Abstract: Projects and grants are unique for development of science and research. For many people it is only source of money for their research. Particularly on universities the projects expanded. From this reason the participation of Ph.D. students in the Student Grant Competition is the best start in this field. Paper discusses in its first part how the Student Grant Competition takes its place on Technical University of Ostrava. Focuses on difficulties with submission of the application, explain process of whole project evaluation and states total amounts acquired from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for Student Grand Competitions since 2010. Second part of this paper directly shows concrete project for “Research of utilization of mining waste in chosen localities.” In the paper is described subject of the research, concrete goals of project, timetable. It is stated the preliminary budget of project and actual progress in the project.
Key words: student grant competition, grant, project, utilization of mining waste
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