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  1. The submitted articles are subject to a preliminary technical and content-related assessment made by the editors.
  2. After positive editors opinion the article is pass on to two independent reviewers who are experts in the topic covered by the article.
  3. The procedure for reviewing the articles is consistent with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
  4. The authors who submit articles to publications agree to the review process.
  5. To each article editorial number is assigned, which identifies it in the later stages of the publishing process.
  6. The article is not sent to the reviewer of the author’s unit and one of the reviewers is employed in a country other than the author of the article.(a form is available here).
  7. All reviews are anonymous - the author does not know the names of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know name of the author (so-called "double-blind review").
  8. The condition for the publication of the article is to get positive reviews and to respond to any comments from reviewers, if applicable. (a form is available here)
  9. After receiving positive reviews, author/authors will be informed with mail.
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